American fame and fortune

Chapter 509 Lucky Girl

In the set, which was like a first-class cabin on an airplane, the protagonists, including Martin and Mene, gathered in a circle and were connected through conduits extending from the metal boxes like a ceremony.

Everyone was sleeping soundly, as if in a deep sleep.

A woman wearing a stewardess uniform came over, and the camera turned along the slide.

Nolan shouted: "Stop, it's over!" He glanced at his watch: "End the work, start work on time at 2 p.m."

Everyone woke up one after another, and Ellen Page stretched herself.

In the next seat, Mene muttered: "I had a dream, and the dream was full of beautiful women."

Martin asked: "Is it all your literary goddess?"

Mene smiled happily.

Several people left the set. Ellen Page automatically followed Martin and Menet, and asked Menet midway: "I heard from the crew that your next job will be with Isabelle Huppert."

Where did the gossip about the crew come from? It was all released by Mene himself.

He said cheerfully: "Huppert personally invited me."

Ellen Page was quite impressed: "This opportunity is so rare."

The three of them joined Bruce and went to a nearby restaurant.

A girl in her early 20s came over pushing a clothing cart. The costume designer collected the suit jackets that everyone had taken off and hung them on the crossbar of the clothing cart.

When the girl saw the costumer walking away, she quickly asked in not very proficient English: "Hello, Martin, can you sign your autograph for me?"

Martin stopped, smiled and nodded: "Okay."

The girl took out a pen and a notebook from the small bag hanging on the side of the cart and handed them to Martin. At the same time, she said: "My name is Giselle."

As usual, Martin signed quickly, wrote a congratulatory message, and asked: "Are you Moroccan?"

"Yes." Giselle replied carefully: "I was recruited through the crew, and I got the job because I can speak English."

Martin returned her message: "You're a lucky girl."

Gisele smiled brightly at Martin and asked Mene and Ellen Page for their autographs.

After a few people left, Giselle found the costumer, pushed the car to the temporary clothing storage area, and went out alone to prepare for dinner.

When she came out of the studio, she turned around and walked slowly towards the studio where the giant centrifuge was built. When she saw Mordechai exiting the studio door, she immediately quickened her pace.

Giselle walked very quickly and passed behind Mordechai in less than half a minute.

The road ahead was slightly uneven. After she stepped on it, she twisted her foot to the side and fell to the ground with a scream.

This sound immediately attracted Mordecai's attention. The old professor saw someone falling in front of him, wearing a work vest from the same crew. He hurried over and asked: "Are you okay?"

Giselle's eyes were filled with painful tears and she said, "It was twisted."

The old professor was kind-hearted and said, "I'll call a doctor for you, just wait."

Giselle said quickly: "Don't bother me, I'll just take a rest."

Mordecai still called the doctor and accompanied Giselle to the crew's infirmary. Fortunately, Giselle only had a slight sprain and would be fine after a rest.


In the restaurant, Ellen Page had a small appetite and finished her meal as quickly as possible.

She pointed outside to the three people at the same table and said, "I'm afraid of getting fat, so I want to go out and do some exercise."

Martin nodded.

After Ellen Page left, Bruce glanced at her back and asked, "Why does she want to hang out with us?"

Mene seemed to have discovered the truth: "Did she fall in love with the boss?"

Martin pointed at her: "Don't joke around, she likes women."

"What a waste!" Mene shrugged: "It's a waste of two women at once."

Bruce reminded: "Speak with some sense."

Martin also said: "We are in Hollywood, so don't talk nonsense about similar topics."

Mene nodded repeatedly: "I dare to say it only in front of you. I will keep my mouth shut when others discuss these things."

Bruce looked at Ellen Page who was walking away again: "She may have been bullied in other crews, and she subconsciously wanted to find a supporter when she joined the new crew."

These words reminded Mene of something: "I heard rumors on other crews that when filming "X-Men 3", director Brett Ratner invited her to a hotel night party, and she directly told him about her orientation. , but the producer came into her room that day and angrily scolded her for being ignorant."

"It's not an easy climb for an actress," Bruce said.

Mene answered: "It's not easy for an actor. If I hadn't met Boss Martin, I would definitely have used the hyena doctor recommended by that fat guy Antonio."

Martin thought about his own experience of being unspoken by Louise and Kelly, and agreed: "It's really hard for an actor."

During the afternoon shooting, the crew moved to a new studio and still filmed scenes involving the protagonist group indoors.

At the nearby studio where a centrifuge was installed, Giselle was carrying a bag and told the security guard at the door that she was looking for Professor Mordecai.

Security made a call and Professor Mordechai came out quickly.

Giselle showed a shy smile: "Professor, thank you for what happened at noon. Without you, my feet would not have healed so quickly."

Mordechai asked: "Is everything okay?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore." Giselle deliberately took a few steps back and forth. The blue cropped pants were tight on her legs, highlighting the key points: "Look, I have fully recovered my walking."

Mordechai quickly moved his eyes away, turned to her shy and innocent beautiful face, and said: "As long as it's okay, it's okay."

Giselle opened her handbag and handed it to Mordecai: "I just asked my family to send this to me. It's my own specialty. I'll teach you..."

Mordecai waved his hand: "You don't have to be so polite."

Giselle insisted and handed it over: "This is what I want. It's not a valuable thing. I made it at home."

Seeing that the other party was sincerely thanking him, Mordechai took it, because the bag contained only some local specialties.

Giselle took the opportunity to ask: "Professor, may I know your phone number?"

She pulled down her crew vest and explained: "I'm a handyman on the crew. I'm actually not very busy. If you need my help with anything, you can call me at any time."

"I have nothing to ask you to do." Mordecai said this, still taking out his mobile phone and writing down Giselle's phone number.

What normal man can refuse the contact information offered by such a young and beautiful girl?

Giselle said: "Professor, I won't disturb your work."

Mordechai waved: "Goodbye, Giselle."

At the door of another studio nearby, Ellen Page took advantage of a break in filming to come out to smoke and happened to see this scene.

She had just lit up her cigarette when Mene came out while making a phone call.

Ellen Page faintly heard Emma Thomas's name.

Mene hung up the phone and said hello: "Hi, Allen, what are you looking at?"

Ellen Page blew out the smoke and indicated with her eyes: "The beautiful girl who collects clothes at noon is giving something to Professor Mordecai."

Mene didn't take it to heart and said, "Are there any more cigarettes? Have one."

Ellen Page gave him one and lit it with a lighter: "You don't smoke much?"

"I quit for the sake of my future." Mene used to smoke. Later, he was worried that the smell of cigarette smoke would affect his oral skills, so he quit forcibly. He only occasionally smoked one when he was under great pressure. .

Self-discipline and hard work are also an important reason why Mr. Mene is today.

Ellen Page asked him: "Why did you smoke again?"

Mene simply said: "I have been under a lot of pressure recently. I have never played such a heavy role in the past. The supporting actor Arthur's role is second only to Martin. If I don't perform well and hold Martin back, I'm sorry for Martin's love." Highly recommended.”

Ellen Page was envious: "I have observed that you are very comfortable on the set."

"Basically every crew is like this." Mene thought about it carefully. He has developed smoothly in the past few years and has not encountered much bullying from the crew.

There are two main reasons. The crew he joined has either Martin playing the leading role, and the pressure is all on Martin.

Either he licks a female director or a female producer's way into the group, and he is the kind of guy who has support from above, and most people don't want to mess with him.

Someone came out of the studio door again, but it was Cillian Murphy and Tom Hardy.

The two people just glanced at Mene and Ellen Page, and then automatically went to the other side of the door.

No one on either side had any intention of paying attention to the other.

It was obvious when Mene joined the group that the British gang looked down on Martin and had no contact with Martin at all except work.

He followed Martin's footsteps and naturally looked down on these British guys.

Ellen Page returned to the studio, and Martin and Bruce came out after a while after filming.

Mene's scene had been filmed, and he pointed to the two British actors in the distance and asked: "Brother, didn't you brag that you just passed the British? Cillian Murphy is okay, that Tom Hardy squints every day Look at us, go and beat him up!"

Bruce said: "I need mortars and mortar shells. The bigger the caliber, the better. Are you responsible for getting them for me?"

Mene asked: "Isn't it difficult to buy weapons here in Morocco?"

Martin shrugged: "I'm not sure. It's my first time in Africa and I'm not familiar with it."

Bruce thought for a moment and said: "It seems that 90% of the border between Morocco and Algeria is not clearly demarcated. There are many border conflicts between the two countries. Each country also supports the opposition in the other country. It should not be difficult to obtain weapons and ammunition."

Mene said: "I am responsible for the mortars and artillery shells, and you, Old Bu, are responsible for the British guys?"

"You two, please stay calm." Martin was about to go back to the hotel and walked towards the trailer. When the two of them caught up, he said, "It's rare for this crew to be quiet..."

Bruce spread his hands: "It's quiet because you didn't cause trouble."

Mene took the initiative to change the subject: "Do you remember that beautiful girl before lunch? Her name is Giselle. I just saw her taking the initiative to give a gift to Professor Mordecai... Hey, what a pity, how come her hobbies are similar to mine? ?”

Martin said casually: "She may also be yearning for knowledge and technology."

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