American fame and fortune

Chapter 432 Technology and Hard Work

In Long Island, New York, two newly built roads near the dock area were authorized by the crew to be used for filming some street scene battles before they were officially opened.

Because of Martin's relationship, many entertainment reporters came to the media day, and some even covered social and current affairs news.

Martin performed all the action scenes in person today.

He climbed high and jumped low, using military spurs, pistols, automatic rifles and sniper rifles, and single-handedly broke into the safe house where Ivanov was hiding.

Even an outsider can tell that Martin has excellent skills, standard tactical movements, and has obviously undergone long-term training.

In this scene, the products of HK Company, as the sponsor, once again stole the show.

When Martin broke in from the outside, he used a G22 sniper rifle, HK416 carbine, and USP pistol.

Hoffman, who came to HK to visit and shoot the scene, was extremely satisfied. The gun looks good, the people look good, and the various tactical moves look good when used. The visual effects are not that good.

As for the performance of the firearm, that is secondary.

As the script was written, another scene began to be filmed.

Martin quickly changed the magazine of his pistol and rushed into the house.

Evans, the young actor who plays Ivanov, runs wild.

Martin raised his pistol, and with the sound of a gunshot, Evans fell.

He looked at Martin walking over and said loudly: "It's just a dog. I will compensate you and compensate you..."

Without a word of nonsense, Martin shot Ivanov's head off, turned around and strode away.

Chad was very satisfied and shouted: "Very good, this is how it feels, this is passed!"

This shot once again highlights the element of the dog and demonstrates the action style of the film: crisp and neat!

The crew will then move to another factory for filming, and the actors will have a relatively long break.

Martin came to the temporary media area, let reporters take photos, and then moved to the rest area to rest.

Bruce came over at this time and said, "Jin and the others are here."

"Let them come over." Yesterday, Lao Bu told Martin that the Kardashian sisters were coming to visit.

For Lao Bu's sake, Martin would also chat with them.

As for hype and the like, when had he ever cared?

Bruce made a call, and Kim and Khloe came from a distance, followed by a middle-aged woman.

At first, Martin thought it was the Kardashian sisters' assistant or bag-carrying aunt, but after a few glances, he realized it wasn't.

Bruce was also a little surprised and said: "Following behind is Kris Jenner, the mother of Kim and Khloe."

Martin looked at Bruce in surprise, his eyes were extremely strange.

Bruce knew more about him and said quickly: "Things are not what you think. Don't talk nonsense."

"What did I think about?" Martin asked, "Obviously you have the idea, but you are relying on me."

He shook his head: "Old Bu, you have fallen."

Bruce didn't want to explain anymore. The more he explained to Martin, the more he could come up with new words, so he just stopped talking.

Martin took advantage of the fact that the person was still a little far away, and did not let Bruce go: "Your experience, if placed in the Holy Valley Industrial Park, would be a perfect template for a leading actor! When we return to Los Angeles, do you want me to ask Jenna to come over and let him use it based on his experience?" Are you adapting it? Can you collect royalties?"

"It seems like your experience is more suitable, right?" Bruce finally couldn't help it anymore: "I've thought of a name for you, Martin's Hollywood Life!"

Martin didn't answer, stood up and walked a few steps outside.

Jin quickened his pace, and before the person came near, he said loudly: "Martin, long time no see."

Martin shook her hand and said casually: "Kim, you are more beautiful than before."

Compared with the last time they met, Jin was much older. Whether it was training, or technology and hard work, Martin couldn't ask.

Kim pulled the two people behind and introduced: "This is my sister Khloe, and this is my mother Kris."

Martin greeted them one by one, smiled and chatted for a few words.

Because the crew was not filming at the moment, reporters were allowed to take photos.

Over in the media area, there were many reporters using long lenses taking pictures.

Jin specially chose the press day of the production team to come and visit the class.

Neither Martin nor the crew minded this, as the crew also benefited from the media buzz.

Since the video scandal, Kim has been extremely talked about in the entertainment media and on the Internet, completely crushing Paris Hilton.

Martin said a few polite words and said to Bruce: "Old Boo, Kim, Khloe and the others are looking around."

Bruce nodded and took them somewhere else.

Many things about Martin ended up with Bruce, such as about Ivan and Kim's video tape.

At this time, Bradt got off a trailer, approached Martin, and asked, "During dinner yesterday, you mentioned that you just got the copyright of a novel?"

Martin searched in his bag and took out "Prince of Thieves" and handed it to Bradt: "You take a look at it first and come up with a preliminary plan for adapting it."

"I have read this book." Bradett has read more extensively than Martin: "It involves some community conditions in the Boston area. When the film is finished, I will go to Boston for on-the-spot investigation."

He thought about it carefully and then said: "The social background of the novel is relatively realistic, and I think the background of the script cannot be divorced from reality."

Martin nodded: "Go back and ask your agent to discuss salary and other issues with Jessica. The studio will also allocate an upfront fee."

Bradt responded: "I'm going to call my agent right now."

Twenty minutes later, the assistant director came over and informed Martin to enter the set and continue filming.

Before noon, the Kardashian mother and daughter, who had shown their faces in front of the crew and media cameras, were about to say goodbye. A little girl came behind and asked Martin to take a photo and ask for an autograph.

"My name is Kendall, Kim and Khloe's sister." The teenage girl looked much slimmer than Kim and Khloe: "Martin, can you sign the T-shirt for me?"

"No problem." Martin first asked Bruce to take a photo of him and Kendall, then took the signature pen handed over by Kendall and signed his name on the back of her white T-shirt.

Kendall asked Martin to sign her chest, but Martin was not stupid, so how could he agree?

When Bruce sent them off and came back, Martin gestured to his chest and said, "There is no one in this family that can save money. Even a teenage girl has ten thousand thoughts."

"Khloe is a little better," Bruce said.

Martin reminded: "Don't let them skin and remove the bones and eat them all."

"How is that possible?" Bruce understood the meaning of Martin's words and said, "Don't forget what I did before, dealing with them, ha..."

Martin said: "Of course I know what you do, Sophia's..."

Bruce turned around and left, vowing not to talk to Martin today.

In the afternoon, Martin's role was less than that in the morning, and he spent most of the time waiting.

The scenes shot on stage also focused on showing off cars.

Before the film was released, it had recovered US$12.5 million in investment, all from advertising sponsorship.

Martin acted very seriously, and director Chad also filmed very seriously.

The origin of the plot is dogs and cars, so the Cadillac advertisement certainly won't be out of the ordinary.

Martin was filming a cheer scene when Taylor Swift and her manager came to the set.

After the scene was finished, Martin introduced them to the production team and Chad, and also talked about the songs in the film.

The specifics need to be discussed between the production team and Taylor.

Martin only made an introduction, and he would not interfere if the two parties were not suitable and could not reach an agreement.

Taylor's agent went to discuss with the production team, and she stayed in the lounge area chatting with Martin.

"How long can you stay in New York?" Taylor asked.

Martin did the math: "My remaining scenes can be filmed in ten days at most. After filming, I will return to Los Angeles. There are still many things to deal with there."

Taylor couldn't help but frown: "The time we have been together is too short, you cannot inspire me, and it is difficult for me to create a good song with you as the theme."

Martin asked: "Where do you spend most of your time?"

Taylor scratched his head: "Nashville, that's the mecca of country music."

Martin remembered that this was a rural village opposite.

Taylor felt that he should be more proactive. After all, he wanted to take advantage of Martin's popularity: "I can go to Los Angeles. I watched your new film, the special edition of "The Dark Knight". Your performance as the Joker is amazing and fascinating."

"Thank you." Martin said politely.

Taylor asked, "Do I have the honor of attending the premiere of The Dark Knight?"

Martin had multiple premiere guest invitations, but he couldn't use them at all. He said, "Leave me your contact address, and I'll have someone mail you an invitation later."

Taylor didn't think much about it and left Martin his home address in Nashville. At the same time, he said: "I will stay in Los Angeles for a while and get to know you better, and inspiration will naturally appear."

"I'm really looking forward to being the leading man in your song," Martin said with a smile.

Taylor is also looking forward to it. Although she can't think of anything too specific, she feels that she can gain many benefits from the process of writing songs for Martin.

The crew has reached a preliminary agreement with Taylor's agent, and the specific terms will be discussed in detail later.

The film's interlude and ending songs have not yet been decided, and which one suits Taylor's style has yet to be determined.

On the way back in the car, Taylor talked to her manager again about writing songs for Martin.

The manager said directly: "This is a good opportunity for you. If it works well, your next album will receive more attention."

Country star is also broadening his horizons and thinking bit by bit: "I won't let the opportunity slip away."

Taylor plans to bake some snacks for Martin and the crew to leave a good impression first.

In the following days, while filming, Martin received two special cakes from Taylor. Many people on the crew praised her for being a girl next door.

After work ended that afternoon, the crew and creators held a meeting at the studio. Martin came out a little late.

After getting in the car, he always felt that he had forgotten something important, so he asked Bruce, who was driving: "Is there anything important that I haven't done?"

"Didn't you go find Angela and KK?" Bruce replied casually.

Martin said: "The night you went to have a tryst with Khloe, they came to the hotel to find me." He thought of Angela and KK in the hotel lobby that day, and immediately remembered: "Leonardo went to a mental hospital to experience life for more than a week. Oh, I forgot to call him to ask him what was going on."

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