American fame and fortune

Chapter 425 Martin went crazy killing

On the streets of New York, a slide car equipped with a camera was driving at high speed, passing by the galloping Cadillac. The high-speed camera accurately captured the scene of Martin operating the car from the lowered window.

The Cadillac, which was actually not very fast, braked to a stop, and a photographer carrying a camera got into Martin's passenger seat.

Martin started the car again and made all kinds of dazzling car control movements.

After the pursuing vehicle caught up, he took out a pistol from his armpit and fired in the rear.

The speed of the car is not very fast, and Martin can operate it fairly easily.

The pistol was quickly empty of bullets, and a car collided with it and overturned.

Martin ejected the empty magazine with one hand, replaced it with a new one, and continued to drive and shoot.

The style of action shots shot by Chad is different from those of Michael Bay and others.

The latter uses a large number of ultra-short lens editing, giving people a particularly sharp visual impact.

Chad used long lenses as much as possible to create a sense of realism.

After finishing the long shot of the car, Martin opened the door and got out, handed the pistol to Bruce, and ran to Chad to see the effect of the shooting.

The camera is always in motion, but unlike "The Bourne Supremacy" where the purely handheld footage was constantly shaking and shaking, the footage shot by a camera mounted on a Steadicam moves more smoothly.

Wide-angle lenses, vivid soft lighting, and smooth camera movements create a unique style.

The constantly shaking shots of The Bourne Supremacy give people an immersive first-person perspective.

The shots shot by Chad are like a high-level observer.

As a director with a background as a stuntman, Chad devised a narrative method that uses fighting scenes to advance the plot and uses martial arts to convey text.

From the beginning, he planned to abandon flashy quick editing and use wide-angle lenses and long shots to show each exciting fight.

Because the style of "John Wick" looks very realistic at first glance, but in fact it is just an action spectacle disguised as realism.

As the male protagonist, Martin has to kill hundreds of killers in the first film!

A conservative estimate is more than 150 people.

To a certain extent, the male protagonist Jonathan is a video game character controlled by the audience. He fights all the way through levels, and finally kills the BOSS and completes his mission.

This relies heavily on the completion of Martin's movements.

Even the use of stand-ins is relatively small, and many difficult actions require him to complete them in person.

After filming for a long time, Martin inevitably had bruises and bruises all over his body, as well as minor injuries and pains.

Fortunately, he found a good way to relieve the pain-massage.

The person who provided massage services to Martin was called Alexandra Daddario.

While the crew was working, Alexandra used her hands to help Martin massage.

After work is over and you return to the hotel or apartment, under Martin's guidance, you will use softness and heat to heal your injuries.

Martin returned to the rest area to sit down and rest, and then his stunt double Buck came on stage to perform a series of flying car and other scenes.

The crew blocked off an entire street in New York for filming.

Compared with when filming "Never End" in New York, the New York City Department provided too many conveniences this time.

A heroine who only lives in the memory of the male protagonist, in exchange for so much, is a very good deal.

"Would you like some water?" Alexandra put the sippy cup on the small table next to Martin.

Martin nodded: "Thank you."

Chad's roars were heard from ahead. The crew needed to shoot as soon as possible. They evacuated the streets before the evening rush hour. The filming time was not long.

Soon, a series of car collisions occurred.

The crew's safety measures were in place and no one was injured.

Martin also went over, asked about Buck, took the suit he took off, and put it on.

After Buck left the scene, he, the real male protagonist, once again entered the temporary set and started a fierce gun battle with a group of killers.

The sound of gunfire was continuous, and Martin was like the protagonist in a video game, killing his enemies crazily, fully demonstrating what it means to be a suit thug.

"Bodies" lie on the streets of New York.

When Chad called to stop filming, the corpses didn't get up. The cameraman ran over with a camera, selected a suitable location, and took a few photos of the set.

This is Martin's crew. Although due to the busy shooting work, he does not have the creative talent of Nolan. He can write real highlights anytime and anywhere by writing movie scripts, but he can still help the crew create news and attract attention. of.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the crew finished work on time. The cleaning company, like professional sweepers, entered the road and collected all the garbage on the road as quickly as possible. Before the arrival of the evening rush hour, the road was restored to smooth flow.

On the way back, Martin, Chad and others got into the same commercial car.

Marcus was looking at the set photos taken by the photographer: "Can't these be released directly?"

"Pair it with the right news," Chad said.

Martin stretched out his head to take a look and said, "That's easy to say. Aren't there rumors that I'm depressed and crazy because of clowns? The corpses all over the floor are just right for my state."

Jessica, the publicity director next to her, said: "I thought about it."

He took out his laptop and started working.

When the group arrived at the hotel, Jessica not only uploaded the news to the crew's official website, but her team also posted it on a series of entertainment websites.

The pictures accompanying the news were all scenes of shootouts on the streets of Manhattan, with multiple bodies lying on each picture.

There were corpses everywhere and rivers of blood.

News headlines written by Jessica: "John Wick" has just started filming, and Martin Davis went crazy on the set!

When they arrived at the hotel, Jessica took someone to find the crew's psychiatrist to shoot a news video.

The psychiatrist is paid and naturally cooperates with the work. In the video, he warned: "Martin must reduce his work load to avoid relapse of old illnesses due to overly violent scenes."

This statement not only highlights Martin's condition and uses him to attract people, but also points out a major feature of the film: violence!

Violence is one of the biggest selling points of commercial movies.

After dinner, Martin returned to the room. Alexandra went home tonight and had a little free time.

Bruce took a bottle of essential oil and asked deliberately: "Would you like me to give you a massage?"

Martin gave him the middle finger: "Save it for Kim and Khloe."

"It's Khloe!" Bruce emphasized, "It has nothing to do with Kim."

Martin despises this rotten man: "You are just a scumbag. You have all flown together and you have eaten everything and don't admit it."

Bruce quickly changed the subject: "Be careful of Alexandra's sister, the way she looks at you is not normal."

Martin was determined: "How could a good person like me touch Catherine? It's too late to hide."

Bruce put away the essential oils, took a book and threw it to Martin, and said, "You scumbag, you accepted someone's book, don't you want to read it?"

"It's been too busy these days. I'm busy filming during the day." Martin took the "Prince of Thieves" given by Chuck Hogan and said, "Not to mention at night, these days are all affected by a magnitude 9 earthquake. Pass."

When the two of them were alone, Alexandra would not leave him idle. Even when he was tired, she would give him an essential oil massage.

Martin stretched himself and went to make a cup of tea first. He happened to have time tonight, so he could calm down and watch it slowly.

He opened the cover of the novel and read it carefully.

Graham King has been Scorsese's producer for a long time. He is very reliable and the writers he recommends are not bad at least.

This is a crime novel set in Charleston, an old town in Boston. The residents of this town have a long tradition of crime.

Charleston is a true reflection of the original Boston. The residents are mainly of Irish descent, and most of their jobs are ordinary workers. This town has a very big characteristic. It has the highest incidence rate of armored vehicles and bank robberies in the United States. The number of bank robbers in the community who are monitored by the Massachusetts police and the FBI is also among the highest in the United States.

The protagonists are four young people in the town who are brothers and sisters. They are all hidden bank robbers with well-equipped weapons and equipment, and unique and bold committing methods. Until a bank robbery that changes their fate occurs. The male protagonist and female bank robbers The manager had a series of entanglements.

Martin is a super bad student, but he has enough patience. He endured reading for a while and gradually became immersed in the plot of the novel.

Chuck Hogan's novel is very well written. In terms of the crime plot alone, it is more exciting than Alan Greene's "Dark Fields". It is not obscure at all and is highly entertaining, especially the protagonists. Several robberies were thrillingly written.

After reading the previous part, Martin quickly browsed through it, and by late at night, he had flipped through nearly half of it.

Bruce came back from outside and was a little surprised to see Martin still reading the novel: "This novel is very exciting. Does it have a plot of the Sacred Valley?"

Martin said: "Although it is a crime-realistic novel that takes place in Boston, after reading it, I thought of our life in Atlanta."

Bruce took the novel, flipped through the beginning, and said: "We are lucky and struggled out of the quagmire. If we stay in that place for a long time, we may end up on this road. After all, we are here." Money comes fast enough.”

Martin laughed: "I'm an American hero, the kind who caught a Russian spy."

Bruce knew Martin well enough, picked up the novel and shook it: "Do you like it? Do you want to buy the film and television adaptation rights?"

"You still understand me." Martin didn't need to hide in front of Lao Bu and said directly: "Say hello to Jessica tomorrow and ask her... No, we should take the time to go there in person."

He was more considerate: "Chuck Hogan is a friend of Director Scorsese, and was introduced to me personally by Graham King. Now that I have taken a liking to his novels, I must always pay due attention to him." .”

Martin has always been very good at this.

Bruce took Chuck Hogan's business card and wrote down his address and contact information.

Martin gets ready to take a shower.

As for the plot of this novel, it reminded him of a movie, "The City" directed by Ben Affleck.

Daben, what a coincidence.

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