American fame and fortune

Chapter 344 Proposal from News of the World

The story of the film took place in New York, and the crew deliberately put the premiere of "Never Ending" in New York.

On the day of the premiere, the weather was not good, and it was snowing heavily in New York.

In front of the Metropolitan Theater at the Lincoln Center for the Arts, the red carpet turned into a white carpet in a short while. The personnel sent by the contractor company urgently pulled up the awning, and learning from Oscar's experience, erected an extra-large tent in the waiting area.

In the afternoon, the snow didn't look small at all, and it was impossible to cancel the premiere that had cost a lot of money to prepare.

On the driving Cadillac, Louise curled her fingers and rubbed the water mist on the window glass. Looking at the heavy snow falling outside, she was a little worried: "Now it is snowing in the entire Northeast. If the heavy snow continues until the weekend, it will A lot of people are affected.”

Martin on the other side was also looking out the window: "The weather forecast says there will be snow these few days. Even if the snow stops, there will be a large-scale drop in temperature."

Metropolitan areas such as New York and Boston in the northeastern United States are important ticket warehouses for Hollywood movies.

Louise pushed up her glasses and said, "I hope your appeal is strong enough."

Martin looked up at the skylight, and there was nothing but whiteness under the dark sky: "Leo and Jack should come."

Louise didn't understand: "What do you want your bastard brother to do? Another cow?"

Martin said: "They have a secret weapon in their hands. Maybe if they shoot it into the sky, the snow will stop?"

Brewed by bombarding him with Gatling.

I still remember that in his hometown in the previous life, a general asked for rain, pulled the cannon to the top of the mountain and fired at the sky. It is said that the rain fell soon.

The car entered the Lincoln Center for the Arts, waited for a while, and arrived in front of the Metropolitan Theatre.

Martin tidied up his suit a little, showed the sunniest smile, and immediately got out of the car to put on the best pose for the photo.

Flashing lights illuminated the drowsy sky.

Martin stepped on the wet red carpet and walked all the way to the Metropolitan Theater.

At the same time, he smiled and nodded to the surroundings, looking for the fan club and the congregation of the Coke God Cult.

Near the media area, Martin saw a large crowd wearing red T-shirts and holding his special posters.

These people specially put on a large Coca-Cola T-shirt over their thick coats.

"Hi Martin, I'm Ted!"

A young man in a red T-shirt exclaimed: "I'm one of the leaders of the New York fan club..."

Martin did his homework: "I remember you, the lucky viewer of "The Mountain Has Eyes"."

"It's me! It's me!" Ted was so excited that he quickly handed over Martin's signature pen and pulled up the red T-shirt.

Martin signed the T-shirt directly, and others followed suit and asked him to sign the Coke God's T-shirt.

Then, Bruce passed a can of Coke, and Martin toasted the people on both sides of the red carpet.

It has become a must-have ritual for Martin on the red carpet.

The legend of Coca-Cola must be left behind wherever the leader of the Coca-Cola religion walked.

Director Danny Boyle was being interviewed by reporters when Martin walked up the steps into the media area.

He praised Martin: "Martin is a very dedicated actor, no matter how difficult the shot is, he will complete it 100%, and he will do his best in any work that is in his hands."

As for the crew, commercial bragging is indispensable in the promotion.

Martin was subsequently interviewed.

"This is an extremely important movie in my acting career, because the character is similar to my own experience, and when this character appeared in front of me, I was very excited..."

After blowing himself, Martin will not forget his partners in the crew: "Robert De Niro gave me a lot of excellent advice in the performance, and a legend personally directed it. I will be excited when I think about it now."

"Danny is a versatile director. His shots are full of psychedelic beauty, sharp style and unimaginable."

Finally, Martin said of Aniston: "The first time I watched Friends, Jen became my idol, when I was a kid, and Rachel filled the emptiness of a poor teenager. She was my idol. Goddess, do you know what it's like to act with a goddess? A dream come true!"

There was a burst of shouts from both sides of the red carpet, and the two women who had just stepped onto the red carpet outshone all the female guests at today's premiere.

Karolina Kurkova and Angela Lindelwald accepted Martin's invitation to attend the premiere.

This wet red carpet feels like they walked out of the T-stage.

Female stars in the Hollywood industry are generally reluctant to take photos with supermodels, especially Victoria's Secret supermodels who are more fit.

Things like figure and fashion sense are easy to be turned into scum in seconds.

The main creators of the crew arrived, took a group photo in front of the background board of the sponsor, and entered the theater together.

The lounge of the Metropolitan Theater is large enough. After the crew and guests arrive, they will stay here first, and then enter the screening hall after the general audience enters the venue.

After Martin entered, someone came over to say hello.

Mockridge, the editor-in-chief of the News of the World, stood in front of Martin: "Long time no see, Martin, your manuscript is wonderful beyond expectation."

At the beginning, Martin was photographed by three News of the World reporters in Washington, and the compensation was paid for by the manuscript fee. However, Martin did not have the ability to write a wonderful manuscript, so he threw it to Thomas to carry on.

Thomas did well.

Martin laughed back: "We can work out a new deal, and I don't mind continuing to contribute to the News of the World."

"If there is a chance." Mockridge's voice changed sharply, and said: "Let's talk a few words alone."

Martin nodded: "Yes."

The two found a place where no one was around, and Mockridge asked, "I heard you have a quarrel with Harvey Weinstein?"

Martin, of course not admitting it, looked at Mockridge.

Mockridge said vaguely: "I got some information about Harvey, and I want to find someone in the Hollywood industry to help verify it."

Martin's first reaction was that the News of the World found something after receiving Ivan's clue.

How can someone like him easily trust a conscientious and professional media like the News of the World, and immediately said: "I have only been in Hollywood for three years, and I have devoted all my energy to work. I know too little, and I am afraid I am not competent. .”

But Mockridge said: "You may not know Harvey very well. He is a very domineering person. All actors who had conflicts with him in the past were revenged by him without exception."

Martin knew that this was true, and said, "It's okay, Warner will mediate."

It was only then that Mockridge realized that Warner was involved in every movie of Martin.

He stopped pestering: "Good luck."

Bruce came from behind.

"Be careful in New York, where the News of the World has been operating for years," Martin asked.

Bruce said: "Don't worry, I have updated the equipment, and those versatile reporters have no chance."

"Versatile?" Martin thought for a while. As a reporter for the News of the World, it seems that interviewing ability is not the key.

Two supermodels, Carolina and Angela, came over.

Martin remembered that he had invited Georgina Chapman to the premiere, and when he greeted the two supermodels, he asked Bruce.

Bruce quickly found Georgina.

Martin led the two over there: "I'll introduce you to a friend from the Los Angeles fashion circle."

Angela saw the tall Georgina, leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Isn't it someone who often plays games with you?"

Carolina naturally understood what the so-called game was, and said with a smile, "Who doesn't like Martin? It's good-looking, easy to use, and good at playing."

Martin looked serious: "Be serious."

When Georgina greeted them, Angela and Carolina quickly turned into standard supermodel faces.

Martin introduced the two sides. Georgina recognized Angela and Carolina, but the two supermodels did not know her.

After a few pleasantries, the topic was quickly brought up by Martin to fashion and clothing.

With him lubricating in the middle, the two sides quickly became acquainted and exchanged contact information.

Georgina quietly gave Martin a look, faintly grateful.

Martin smiled, said no more, and left quickly.

On the one hand, he will not care about the follow-up.

On the other hand, he saw the old man Mene accompanied a middle-aged and strong woman into the lounge.

Mene saw Martin for the first time, and led Emma Thomas over: "Hey, Martin, let me introduce you to a friend."

It was the first time for Martin to see Emma Thomas in person, and it was similar to what he remembered. Compared with the wives or girlfriends of other Hollywood directors, Emma Thomas was much plumper.

In memory, she and Nolan did not divorce, which is relatively rare in Hollywood.

Mene obviously has a good relationship with Emma, ​​introducing: "Martin, this is Emma Thomas, an amazing female producer."

Martin shook her hand and said, "Last time, we were almost able to cooperate."

Because of Mene's relationship, Emma had a good impression of Martin, and said with a smile: "I think there will be opportunities in the future."

Emma Thomas only had a little contact with Martin before going elsewhere with Mene.

Georgina chatted more speculatively with Angela and Carolina. When the guests in the lobby went to the screening hall, the three found Martin and said something, so they didn't go there at all, and stayed here to continue chatting.

Martin walked behind, and Mene was waiting for him when he went out.

"Boss, I got the exact news that Jonathan Nolan has completed the script for the sequel to the new Bat movie." Mene has been in frequent contact with Emma Thomas recently and learned a lot of information: "It is estimated that the script will be submitted to the Warner Bros."

Martin slowed down and asked as he walked, "Or will Bell play the leading role?"

Mene said: "Warner Bros. has communicated with Emma. In view of the failure experience of the previous Batman movie and the successful experience of the Spiderman movie, they require that the sequel must be starring Bale."

Martin nodded: "I see."

It is a taboo to replace the leading actor in a sequel. Batman Forever replaced Michael Keaton, which caused a certain decline. Fans are very dissatisfied with Fang Kimmer.

Switch to Batman and Robin and switch to George Clooney, and the movie turns into a total disaster.

In Warner's DC movie adaptation, there is a tradition of fan operation.

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