American fame and fortune

Chapter 155 Looking for a new job (seeking a monthly ticket)

Early in the morning, while having breakfast at a nearby restaurant, Bruce told Martin what had happened last night.

Martin was somewhat surprised: "It wasn't you who offered it, but she offered you to be the leading actor in the video?"

Bruce deliberately put on a bad fart: "Hey, man, look at me, the real lover is here!"

"The speed of evolution is very fast." Martin put down his knife and fork, and wiped his mouth with a napkin: "The most important question, Saint Bruce, do you agree?"

"I told her to think about it," Bruce said.

Martin pointed at him and said, "That's it? Are you ashamed to call yourself a lover? You are clearly a bastard!"

Bruce countered: "Mr. Scumbag, do you dare to shoot?"

Martin said without hesitation: "If Annie invites me to shoot, I absolutely agree!"

Facing Jin's request, Bruce was really a little timid, and found a reason and an excuse: "Jin will sell the video to the distribution company for distribution, and it will be distributed throughout North America."

Martin was so caring, he even found a new home for Old Bu: "Jenna's company will buy it."

"That's not the point, can you listen to me?" Bruce said the reason he had racked his brains to find out: "A group of traffickers in Mexico are still looking for me, what if they see the video and chase after me?"

Martin disdained: "It's fine if you don't show your face? I believe you can do it." He also added to the fire: "Don't forget, who are you? You are Bruce, the man who makes Sophia the King Kong girl never forget."

The day was chattered to death again, Bruce dropped the knife and fork, got up and left, never saying a word to Martin today.

After breakfast, Martin rushed to Warner Studios, and as the production manager, he joined Craven and Ajia to participate in the post-production and distribution meeting between the studio and Warner Bros.

At the meeting, the promotion of the film was specifically discussed.

Given the huge publicity success of "House of Wax", Martin's suggestion was also taken seriously.

Of course, Martin can offer suggestions and ideas, but for actual operation, it depends on the crew and professionals from Warner Bros.

Geshan has eyes for large-scale publicity, and it will not be launched until after the New Year.

Warner Bros. decided to push an ad for the film to the Super Bowl.

In addition, Warner Bros. publicists reminded Martin that it is best to maintain a certain degree of heat until the film is released.

Craven's golden signboard and the success of the Wax Museum have played a role in the blessing of the leading actor Martin.

After spending the third weekend in North America, the North American box office of Wax Museum has accumulated a total of 47.56 million US dollars, and it is bound to exceed 50 million US dollars in another week.

Overseas, the film has been screened in more than 30 countries in Latin America, Europe and Australia, and the overseas box office has exceeded 30 million US dollars.

Not surprisingly, the global box office will exceed $100 million.

After Martin finished the meeting, he went to Alexander's post-production studio next door, and was going to have lunch with Louise.

Louise was seeing Angelina Jolie out when he passed.

Julie saw Martin last time, and couldn't help being curious: "Why don't you introduce me?"

Louise said generously: "The talented actor I discovered in Atlanta, Martin Davis."

Martin offered, "Hello, Julie."

Julie shook hands with Martin: "I see a star rising."

When others said good things, Martin also complimented: "Julie, you are the bright moon in the night sky, and all the stars are eclipsed."

"I'm just a second-rate actor," Jolie said.

Martin's words came out of his mouth: "You are my idol, and I like Laura."

The two chatted for a while, and Julie's agent came over at this moment, she said goodbye and left quickly.

Martin followed Louise into the office, where Alexander the Great propaganda material was strewn all over the walls.

He looked at the four fixed-makeup photos on the left. The four fixed-makeup photos of Alexander the Great were different, and asked, "Is the leading actor in this film Colin Farrell?"

Louise looked up and said, "Director Oliver Stone's initial favorite was Heath Ledger, but several other producers and I were very worried about his status and rejected this candidate."

She took off her black-rimmed eyes and rubbed between her brows: "The investment is too high, so I have to be cautious."

Martin came and sat down across from her, and asked, "I hear there's a theater executive screening?"

Louise was worried again: "The reputation of the test screening is not very good." She paused slightly, expressing her concerns: "Hollywood has made a common mistake in judging the market. The recent epic films have generally received poor response, and this project has lost money. The possibilities are increasing.”

Martin reassured: "It's okay, I will take care of you then."

Louise said directly: "One month at most, I will turn you into a pauper."

Martin said: "Alcoholic, you have to look at people from the perspective of development. I am currently paid hundreds of thousands of dollars. If Geshan is successful, my salary will be in the seven figures."

Louise smiled and shook her head.

"I have completed all the post-dubbing of Geshan Youyan." Martin said seriously: "I will seek a new job soon."

Louise asked, "Do you still have enough energy in your support team in Atlanta?"

Knowing that she was referring to Vincent and Sophia, Martin said, "As long as Geshan Youyan succeeds, they will definitely continue to participate in the platter and even invest more money. They are waiting for Geshan Youyan to be released."

He cheekily asked directly: "Honey, do you have any suitable roles or projects to recommend to me?"

Louise didn't answer, and reminded emphatically: "You haven't paid off the debt you owe me."

Martin spread his hands: "Hey, alcoholic, there is no sincere relationship between us, don't you pay everything for the relationship? I subtly ruled you, and you became an international master bartender. You subtly ruled me, and I should be An internationally famous movie star, right?"

Louise threw away her troubles and smiled happily.

After laughing, she said again: "You are very good at making people happy."

"In a good mood?" Seeing her nodding, Martin said bluntly, "Ms. Louise Meyer, an international master bartender, I heard that you have invented two new cocktails?"

Louise understood: "That's right, I'm going to publish it soon, and I'm truly a global master bartender."

Martin was prepared to come here, and gave her a note pad: "Master, can you sign for me in advance?"

Louise opened it, looked at it, and put it away in satisfaction: "Since you have a backup group and can organize a platter, to be fair, I'll give you a good chance."

She thought for a moment and said: "Pacific Pictures' script project library is open to you, including scripts submitted by screenwriters, projects recommended by directors, and some initial proposals from producers for investment. It can't compare with the six major companies. , but there are tens of thousands of scripts and initial plans for hundreds of projects.”

Martin was very moved when he heard it, and the script library of the film company would not be easily opened to the public.

Louise poured cold water on it first: "Most of them are useless. Hollywood has tens of thousands of original scripts registered every year, and thousands of projects initiate initial plans, and only a very small number of them eventually become movies."

Martin asked the latter: "The original project plan?"

Louise said simply: "Just like the Wax Museum and the mountains have eyes, most Hollywood movies do not have scripts first, but the producers think of suitable ideas, or encounter suitable literary works and real events for adaptation, and then start Organizing, including attracting investment, finding a producer, finalizing the director, hiring a screenwriter to write the script, etc..."

She focused on the adaptation: "Many initial plans are only on paper. Some adaptation plans submitted by producers are almost worthless if they don't invest in them, because they don't even have copyright."

Martin calculated carefully. If he wanted to set up a set, what were the chances of success?

He definitely can't use his own funds, and his little money is not enough to make a movie. He can only wait for Geshan Youyan to release it at the box office.

In terms of connections, he glanced at Louise, and there was a brokerage company behind him.

Thinking of this, Martin shook his head secretly, the project has not been found yet.

Louise said: "You and I will go to Pacific Pictures in the afternoon, and you can choose whatever you want."

"You really know how to do business! Drunkard, is this what you mean by fair trade?" Martin said viciously, "You have already taken out the valuable items on the platter, and the rest are all moldy garbage thrown in the warehouse, and then handed over. Throw it to me and use me as a garbage recycling bin?"

Louise told the truth: "I don't have a suitable project in my hand."

Of course, Martin would not miss the opportunity to enter a film and television company's script library to check and select at will.

At noon, Louise had lunch with Martin, and the two came to Pacific Pictures next to Warner Studios.

This company does not directly produce films, and the number of employees is not too large. The three-story office building is also the rented office building of Warner Studios.

Louise drank and planned to take a lunch break, and asked her assistant Nikki to take Martin to the database on the first floor.

The custodian had been notified by Louise and led Martin into the warehouse.

He pointed to the computer: "There is a catalog search here, and you can find the outline of the project. Except for the scripts that the company bought out the copyright for, they will be kept for a long time. Other scripts, planning books, etc. will be cleaned up once a year."

Martin nodded: "Thank you."

"You can do whatever you want." The custodian left.

Martin sat in front of the computer and was about to turn it on when the most important thing suddenly sounded. He quickly took out his cell phone and called Robert: "It's me, please help me."

The other side replied automatically: "I understand, the ceremony will be held immediately."

Martin thought, has it evolved into a special ceremony? He said, "Thank you, Robert."

"You're welcome." Robert seemed to be saying a prayer: "I wish Martin Davis all the best."

Full of confidence, Martin pressed the power button, opened the database, and searched for the latest year's script and project information.

He read the script first, glanced at the name, and then read the outline of the story.

Before the scripts of many Hollywood movies are pushed into production, the names may have been changed several times. Some movie titles from previous lives are not English literal translations.

Even a small company like Pacific Pictures has thousands of contents.

As long as the name is unfamiliar and the outline of the story has no impression, Martin will pass directly.

After searching for a long time, there is no familiar feeling.

Martin was thinking, if it really doesn't work, wait for the market response from Geshan, and continue to engage in this style.

But without strong social media to fuel the flames, the effect is hard to say.

His current fame and charisma are much worse than Keanu's.

The third one is here, ask for a monthly ticket!

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