American Comics: The Invincible Wheel of Fortune

Chapter 414 415. Tentacle monsters appear every year, especially this year

Aaron, who had found out the cause and effect, was also filled with disgust, not only for Harry Osborn, who must hate poor people, but also for the "mysterious good Samaritan".

Eighty percent of them are well-meaning people from within SHIELD. There is no need to say more about their identities.

The last time Iron Overlord was against Tony and S.H.I.E.L.D., but this time, it was a personal grudge.

Aaron thought it was time to find an opportunity to arrange some guys.

But before that, Harry Osborn and Doctor Octopus must be arranged.

No matter how pitiful Harry is, or how many reasons he has, it has nothing to do with Aaron, it doesn't bother him, no matter how hard he goes.

But when it comes to Gwen, I'm sorry, but there is no negotiation for your arrangement.

However, this venom symbiote also aroused Aaron's interest and studied it.

Aaron used the power of the laws of destruction and regeneration to easily erase the consciousness of the Venom Symbiote, turning it into a mass of unconscious symbionts. He combined with Doctor Octopus only by instinct, and finally was impregnated with demonic elements to become a demon. With this Venomous Doctor Octopus.

Or the Venom Demon is more appropriate.

Because of the demonization, Venom and Doctor Octopus are inseparable from each other, but they can be divided into two. Doctor Octopus can separate part of the venom to control another body.

Only then did Aaron single-handedly plan, direct, and personally participate in the performance of "Revenge of the Green Goblin."

The little Green Goblin can transform into venom, which is naturally a prop lent to Harry by Doctor Octopus.

From the perspective of the Little Green Goblin, the play was naturally a failure, but from the perspectives of Aaron and Gwen, "White Hunter 2: The Little Green Goblin and Doctor Octopus" was a success.

"Sound waves and flames are indeed your weaknesses. You have to practice the techniques I teach you diligently in order to have enough demonic energy to compete with them."

Aaron casually designed a basic magic cultivation method for Doctor Octopus, which can cultivate a low-end version of magic energy, magic energy, to protect himself and fight against his natural weaknesses.



Doctor Octopus has become Aaron's number one combat force at this time, and is even stronger than Mystique. When Aaron himself was just promoted to the advanced character card level, he was inferior to him except for other gods.

Although what Aaron valued more was Doctor Octopus's genius head, just like the whip cord, Aaron also planned to let Doctor Octopus accompany the whip cord.

This time, I used a few methods to solve the problem of venom, and it was also because I was happy to see Hunter Xin. With this experience, I can demonize other subordinates.

Then accumulate more experience to prepare for Gwen's strengthening.

[Boss, it’s really strange that I’m still struggling like this in the middle of winter. 】The little black cat Ferossa complained for a while about her boss not taking her to play with her during morning wrestling practice and teleporting her away from the bed.

The little black cat thought to himself that there was nothing to cover up. The vast grassland was full of chaos and he could do whatever he wanted. Where did so much trouble come from? Who cares about it?

So the little black cat just wonders why her eldest son and sister Gwen are still so energetic in winter.

Probably all domestic cats will have questions like this about their home scavenger.

"Hello, Kikuza?" In the bathroom, after wiping the water droplets on his face from the nozzle, Aaron reached out to touch, got the phone, and pressed the answer button. The sound of water interfered, and the voice couldn't help but become louder.

The other hand gently covered the red lips of Gwen, whose eyes were a little blurred in front of her.

Then continue to broadcast the waist exercises of gymnastics.

One, two, three, four, bang bang bang.

Two, two, three, four...

Gwen, who was so hung up on Aaron like an octopus, bit the finger on her red lips gently.

Then he took another hard bite - Aaron gave Gwen a serious look like "Don't make trouble, I'm on the phone."

Gwen wanted to bite this shameless person to death.

"Okay, I understand, video call in ten minutes."

Aaron hung up the phone with a serious face, then gently hugged Gwen's waist and jade neck, bit Gwen's ear again, licked it, causing a tremor, and whispered softly: "You heard it, I'm in a hurry."

"Hate it, slow, slow, slow down, soft... a little... too... fast..." A seductive blush suddenly covered Gwen's whole body, as delicate as mutton-fat white jade, and her eyes became even more blurred.

"Kikuza, what's the matter, are you in such a hurry?" A certain fake and serious humanoid electric motor pile driver returned to the living room and turned into a real, sanctimonious, honest and reliable young man.

On the tablet screen, Black Braised Egg looked serious and said in a deep voice: "Look at these."

Black Braised Egg opened two videos at the same time.

One section is a helicopter overhead shot of forests, fires, spacecraft wreckage, a large number of firefighting and rescue personnel, and staff of the "Life Foundation" group.

Marked in the lower right corner, Malaysia, Borneo Forest Park.

In another video, Aaron frowned while watching it.

This is a traffic surveillance video from somewhere in San Francisco, California.

A motorcycle rider made more exaggerated maneuvers than the popular motorcycle rider Johnny to avoid being pursued by drones and black SUVs behind him.

Sometimes the driver stretches out his tentacles from his back and pulls over the vehicles on the street. Sometimes he uses his tentacles to defend and counterattack drone attacks.

In the end, the driver was knocked away by the SUV, but a large amount of black material emerged from his body, transforming into a black monster with a bald head and jagged fangs, biting off the head of a pursuer, and then fled.

"This, this, this...isn't this the kind of monster we encountered last night? Kikuza, what on earth is this?" Aron asked repeatedly as he took a big meal at the right time.

"The specific situation is unknown. We only know that this should be 084, an alien life form. The spaceship of the Life Foundation is going to collect a sample of a meteorite with a special radiation source between the Earth and Mars..."

"Where's Harry Osborn? Why was he possessed by that kind of monster?" Aaron asked the question at the right time after listening.

"Harry Osborn... suffered a mental breakdown. It has not been found out whether it was the Green Goblin potion or the possessed monster."

All of them, of course, and a little bit of illusion amplification effect - Aaron gave this answer in his heart, but just said in a deep voice: "This is troublesome, that monster also ran away with Dr. Otto ."

"I'm just looking for you to confirm that the monster's weakness is sound waves?"

Hei Lu Dan is not proficient in scientific matters. He can understand the general outline and will not be fooled by his subordinates. His focus is still on solving practical problems.

Aaron told the truth: "There was a plane passing over us at that time, and the black monster acted in great pain, as did the beating of the metal pipe."

Black Braised Egg nodded when he heard this: "I understand, you go to San Francisco immediately, meet up with Colson, and wait for my next instruction."

"Gwen, I have an urgent mission. I'm leaving first." Aaron gently kissed Gwen who was taking a nap.

"Well, have a nice trip."

[Xiao Hei, take care of your home. 】

[Don’t worry, boss, I will take good care of Sister Gwen. 】The little black cat raised its claws and saluted.

San Francisco.

A combat information room of the S.H.I.E.L.D. branch.

"Alon, you're here. Come on, let me introduce you to the leader of this team."

A middle-aged man with a face full of excitement pulled Aaron and came to a tall, mighty, handsome young white man with blond hair.

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