American comics start with level five mutants

Chapter 241 Su Yao suddenly appears

Gamora smiled and said, "It seems like you must have a lot of character."

"Well, I didn't say that, but others often praise me like that." Xingjue Tian said shamelessly, "I am a very low-key person and never show off myself."

As he spoke, in order to hide his embarrassment, he threw the cosmic spirit ball in his hand.

Who knows, within a few throws, the boat of friendship will capsize.

Gamora, who walked up to him, suddenly snatched the cosmic spirit ball from his hand and kicked him in the stomach.

Then, before Star-Lord could react, Gamora turned around and ran away.

Holding his stomach, Star-Lord looked in disbelief, but he reacted quickly and immediately took out a small restraint device.

He threw it towards Gamora's back, and the device turned into a red energy rope in the air, directly binding Gamora's feet.

With a bang, Gamora fell heavily to the ground.

As soon as he untied the restraints on his feet, Star-Lord rushed over from a distance.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly and kicked Star-Lord away again.

The two beat each other for a while, and Gamora successfully pinned down Star-Lord, took out a dagger from her waist, and was about to stab Star-Lord.

If there are no accidents, Star-Lord will explain here.

However, just as Gamora was about to stab her, a small raccoon rushed over and knocked her down.

At the same time, Groot was holding a bag, and branches spread out from his body, and he was about to put Gamora into the bag.

"No, it's not this woman. I can't tell the difference between men and women, man!"

Rocket Raccoon lay on Gamora's head and kept tugging at her, unable to complain.

The next second, Rocket Raccoon felt pain in his hand and hurriedly jumped away from Gamora's head.

Seeing them beating them up, Star-Lord picked up the cosmic spirit ball on the ground and turned around and ran away without saying a word.

As a result, before running for long, Gamora broke free from Groot's branches, bent down, picked up a silver iron rod, and pointed it at Star-Lord's hand.


A whistling sound was heard.

The iron rod flew in the air, flying towards Star-Lord in the distance.


Star-Lord felt a pain in his hand and subconsciously let go of his hand. The cosmic spirit ball rolled from his hand and kept rolling on the ground.

After getting rid of Groot, Gamora ran near the cosmic spirit ball, quickly picked up the cosmic spirit ball, and wanted to escape with the cosmic spirit ball.

Unfortunately, before she could get very far, Star-Lord pounced on her again and successfully pushed her down.

With a lot of force and her superior physique, Gamora once again pressed on top of Star-Lord and mocked, "Idiot, you should be smarter!"

"The problem is, I don't like studying." When she wasn't paying attention, Star-Lord snatched the cosmic spirit ball from her hand.

Seeing this scene, Gamora wanted to do something, and Star-Lord also wanted to use means to fly Gamora away.

Suddenly, at this moment, the surrounding Sandals people let out bursts of exclamations.



The Xandarians raised their heads one by one and stared directly above. Even Rocket Raccoon and Groot who ran over looked above at this time.

"I guess I must not have slept well!"

Rocket Raccoon said confused.

When Gamora and Star-Lord saw this, they stopped unconsciously and subconsciously raised their heads to look at the sky.

I saw, at some point, a person floated down from the sky.

He was dressed in white clothes and had an exquisite black mask on his face.

If it was just like that, it would be nothing, but the problem was that this person could actually fly in the sky.

Moreover, the aura around this person is also extremely noble and magical.

Just by seeing this person, they felt a strong sense of pressure and tension coming over them.

"Who is this person?"

"Seems like a big shot?"

Gamora and Star-Lord were in ups and downs.

Gamora asked herself, following Thanos, who has she not seen in these years? Growing up in the training of killing, she has seen countless people.

However, he had never seen anyone who could bring so much pressure to her like the person in front of him.

What's more, this person can still float in the sky, and he is not an ordinary person at first glance.

As for Star-Lord, there is only one thought in his mind at the moment. This seems to be a big shot. It is better not to offend him.

Suddenly, just when they were worried about what this suspected big shot wanted to do, under the gaze of countless people, this being slightly raised his hand that glowed red.

Then, as Gamora was shocked, Star-Lord was in disbelief, and Rocket Raccoon and others stared blankly, the silver sphere that was still in Star-Lord's hand was wrapped in a layer of red energy and slowly flew into the air.

By the time Star-Lord and Gamora came to their senses, the thing had fallen into the hands of this being.

"My stuff!"

Star-Lord and Gamora were startled and were about to get up and snatch the cosmic spirit ball back.

However, when they looked down at the existence of the cosmic spirit ball, they subconsciously hesitated.

Star-Lord's heart moved, and he quickly said, "Brother... Sir, can you return the thing in your hand to me? This thing originally belonged to me."

He was about to talk about the truth, but the hesitation in his heart made him subconsciously avoid the option of using force, and he was a little afraid to do anything to this person who looked abnormal.

After hearing this, Gamora hesitated for a moment and decided to see the reaction of this being before deciding what to do.

Su Yao, who was playing with the silver ball, raised his head slightly when he heard the words. He was about to say something when he suddenly noticed something.

At this time, something unexpected happened.

I saw the sound of engine equipment starting up all around, and yellow beams of light hit the field at some unknown time.

The yellow light enveloped Rocket Brown Bear, Groot, Star-Lord, Gamora, and even him.

As the light enveloped them, Star-Lord and others were controlled by the light and floated into the air. They had no place to draw strength from and could not break free for a while.

Of course, this did not include Su Yao.

To truly restrain him, this beam of energy requires too much energy, which cannot be supported by these aircraft.

What's more, he was originally floating in the air.

What emits light is a high-tech aircraft in the shape of a starfish.

At this time, a male voice came from one of the aircraft, "8 put down your weapon!"

"Oh, damn." Rocket Raccoon looked helpless and could only drop the gun in his hand.

The voice of the man in the aircraft continued.

"In the name of the Nova Corps, I declare that you are under arrest and that you have committed public safety crimes!"

Soon, a group of Nova Corps people rushed over and directly suppressed Star-Lord, Gamora and others.

Star-Lord and the others were extremely depressed, as if their parents had died, their expressions were downcast, as if they were mourning for their heirs.

Facing the Nova Legion aircraft and legion members, several people wisely chose to surrender without any resistance.

After all, they don't think that with their flesh and blood, they can resist these aircraft and a member of the Nova Corps, so it is better to be aware of the current situation.

At this time, a member of the Nova Corps showed hesitation. Facing Su Yao floating in the air, they didn't know what to do.

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