American comics: Loot from the heavens!

Chapter 135 The bewitching soul gem!

On the aircraft carrier.

A research room.

Stark and Banner are doing research inside.

They discovered that both the Mind Scepter and the Cosmic Rubik's Cube do emit a type of gamma ray, but the difference is very large. It is a bit difficult to find the Universe Rubik's Cube with the Mind Scepter.

Fortunately, Tony has a way to speed up the calculation and get the result in a short time.

Moreover, Stark has ADHD, and teases Banner from time to time, as if he wants to see the appearance of Hulk.

Rogers came in and saw Stark's behavior, and was even more dissatisfied with Tony.

He felt Tony should focus on solving the problem.

However, Tony said that it's not that he doesn't want to solve the problem, but that Fury has something to hide from him.

Without complete information, he could not solve the problem.

The conversation between Rocky and Fury aroused Tony's suspicion.

Moreover, Banner was also distracted by Loki's words.

Later, Tony also revealed to Rogers that he was already cracking S.H.I.E.L.D.'s security system.

Just wait a few hours and you'll probably know the secrets of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Rogers felt uncomfortable with Tony's behavior.

Because Tony's actions are immoral.

However, he was also affected by what Tony said, so he wandered around the space carrier while searching for the secrets of S.H.I.E.L.D.

After some searching, Rogers actually found some secret weapons.

On the other side, Natasha extracted Loki's words from him.

Loki wanted to control Banner and cause chaos here.

After learning about this situation, Natasha immediately informed Fury.

Fury hurried to the laboratory where Banner and Tony were.

Seeing the two of them looking leisurely, an unknown fire arose in Fury's heart.

"Stark, what are you doing? You should search for the whereabouts of the Cosmic Cube!"

Tony was not in a hurry and answered calmly:

"Searching, the search model has been locked, and the search signal is being scanned. Once there are results, the range will be narrowed to within 800 meters."

"Then you can get the Cosmic Cube back, so don't be impatient."

After finishing speaking, Tony asked:

"Now, can you explain, what does phase two mean?"

Fury was stunned, but before he could answer, Captain America came in with a gun.

After placing the energy gun on the table, Rogers said calmly:

"The second phase is when S.H.I.E.L.D. uses the Rubik's Cube to create weapons!"

Fury saw this and wanted to explain.

"Rogers, we collect things related to the Rubik's Cube, it doesn't represent us."

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Tony again.

"Excuse me, Nick."

Tony called up some weapon manufacturing information on the virtual screen.

"How else do you want to make it up?"

Seeing this, Fury choked.

At this time, Natasha and Thor also came in.

Seeing that Banner was still there, Natasha was relieved that Hulk hadn't appeared yet.

Here Banner pointed to the drawing paper on the virtual screen and asked: "Now, you'd better explain, why does SHIELD use the Cosmic Cube to develop weapons of mass destruction?"

When Fury came to them, he just said that the Rubik's Cube was robbed by Loki.

Loki uses the Cosmic Cube to wreak havoc.

Looking at it now, S.H.I.E.L.D. does the same thing, and they feel cheated.

Therefore, they were a little angry.

Seeing this situation, Fury knew that it would be impossible not to explain.

So he pointed to Thor.

"because of him!"

"It's not my business?"

Sol was taken aback for a moment, not knowing why he was involved!

"Last year, an alien visitor visited the earth, and the aftermath of the battle between the two directly leveled a small town."

"Not only do we learn that there are other beings out there in the universe, but we also discover that our force is far behind them."

Luo Ming, who had been watching everyone, couldn't help but admire Fu Rui when he saw this.

Fury already knew about aliens because of Captain Marvel.

Even now, Fury is hiding quite a few Skrulls.

The use of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to study weapons has started a long time ago, and it didn't start because of Sol at all.

Thor retorted, "My people just want to live in peace with the Earth."

"But you are not the only alien life!"

Fury gets to the point.

"There are other creatures that pose a threat to us. The universe is full of unrivaled opponents, and no one can control them."

"So you want to control them like a Rubik's Cube?" Rogers interjected.

"It was precisely because you used the Rubik's Cube to make weapons that you attracted Loki and his associates." Thor said loudly: "You are sending a signal to other civilizations, announcing that the earth is ready for advanced war!"

"Advanced war? You didn't force this! We have to find a way."

"So you thought of 'nuclear deterrence'?" Tony interjected.

"This can always calm the situation, right? Stark, don't forget your family history. If Stark was still making arms, he would have been there long ago."

"Wait, why are you coming at me?"

"Why, aren't you always the center of attention?"

"I didn't expect humans to be so barbaric!"

"Hey, are humans going to blow up your house?"

"You actually don't trust your guardian so much!"

"Why are you so naive? SHIELD monitors all potential threats!" Seeing everyone arguing, Natasha also joined in the commotion.

"Is Captain Ugly a threat too?" Banner was not to be outdone.

"We are all, and you are also on the blacklist!"

"Who's better, you or Angry Bee?"

"Stark, you are poor again."

"Threatening me verbally, I'm so scared!"

"Be respectful!"

"Respect for what?"


At this time, everyone seemed to have lost their minds and fell into constant quarrels.

Rogers questioned Stark.

"Take off the armor, what do you have left?"

"Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist?" Tony responded unceremoniously.

"I know a lot of ordinary people who are ten times better than you!"

"I've read your information. You are the kind of selfish person. You are not the kind of person who makes sacrifices."

Hearing this, Stark laughed angrily.

"You're just an experimental product, Rogers. Without the serum, what are you?"

In the distance, Luo Ming, who was slowly flying over, saw everyone's quarrel clearly.

These people are like this because their forgotten soul gems are silently emitting strange light and affecting their minds.

Because they were affected, they were so excited and spoke unabashedly to poke at each other's pain points.

This is also the reason why he came now, because Luo Ming is also very afraid of the Soul Stone.

This is one of the six infinity stones, and it is very powerful.

It's no joke if it's affected.

Once he has evil thoughts, Luo Ming cannot guarantee what he will do.

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