About the fact that I unintentionally raised my sister to be a cripple

Chapter 201 In the snowy sky, Raku Sakakihara fell into Nanamiyue’s dreamland (End)

"Speaking of which, why did you ask me to kidnap you just now?"

"Brother, you have a knife and tape in your hand. And you are talking to me alone."

When you think about this scene carefully, it is indeed a bit daunting to see it at a sparsely populated rural station on a rainy day.

".Shouldn't it be normal to be afraid?"

"If someone kidnaps me, my mother will come find me."

What a naive idea, Sakakibara thought to himself.

[Myself] in the perspective seems to have the same consciousness.

"What a naive idea. Don't think like that in Qiyueyuan. If you are really captured by bad guys, you will never see your mother again in your life."

"Yeah." She nodded behind her back.



Although Qi Qi had a weird personality when she was a child and was not as quiet as an ordinary five-year-old girl, her answers still contained the cuteness of a child when she said yes.

She was still a child after all at this time.

Walk along the road towards the village. The closer you get, the colder and narrower the scenery becomes. The countryside and wasteland disappear. Instead, what comes into view are old Japanese-style buildings with black roofs and bluestone roads mixed with moss. The dark green fir trees growing around the black roof ridges were wetted by the rain, and the branches and leaves extending towards the street swayed in the wind, gently shining with the sheen of water.

On the street, in the rainy season, not a single soul was seen.

When [Sakakihara Raku] was walking around the village with Xiao Nan Mingyue on her back, she seemed to be looking around with her eyes while leaning on her back.

"Looking for mom?"


Turning the perspective, [I] or heard the little girl's words, started to help her search around.

Not to mention people, even the orange cat that usually lay on the eaves was nowhere to be seen.

"Don't worry, let's go for a walk, we might encounter them."


As we move forward, the surrounding scenery still maintains a uniform tone, and there is also no human figure. Slowly, Xiao Qiyue lowered her eyes and buried her head deeper and deeper behind his shoulder.

"Mom, I'm probably looking for you elsewhere in the village."


"Well, yes, you see in July, our village is quite big, there is a seaport, and so many people live there, so it's normal if mom doesn't meet us for a while."

"What my brother said makes sense."

"Because that's what happened," [Sakakihara Raku] tried his best to coax the children, "There are always difficult moments in life. Maybe someone steps on a stone on the road and accidentally hurts his foot. Then he turned around and walked towards another road."

"I don't quite understand."

"Well, it doesn't matter if you don't understand it well. You will understand it in the future. I think you are very smart in Qiyue, and you will understand it in the future."

The little girl suddenly lost her voice: "I'm not as smart as my sister."

"How come, you are great."

"Brother is not trying to please me, is he?"

".Why should I please you?"

"Kidnap me and make me listen to you. I heard that there is that kind of perverted uncle who likes to kidnap little girls."

".I have already said that I am an elder brother, not an uncle."

A gust of cold wind blew, and she hugged [Sakakihara Raku] a lot tighter.



"Then just hold on a little longer in July. Once we cross the bridge outside the village, we will almost arrive at the hotel where you are staying. Promise my brother not to sleep."


Clement Hotel.

This hotel standing on the edge of the village and close to the pier is somewhat out of place with the houses in the village.

Essentially, it is a sea view hotel born to promote local tourism.

The village is located on the edge of Matsuyama City and borders the Seto Inland Sea. It is one of the main producing areas of Ehime oranges. It is also famous for its famous attractions such as Isaurha Shrine, Dogo Onsen, Castle Tower, and Shimanami Kaido.

The Hayami County Government under Matsuyama City also wants to take a share of the pie and encourage local people to launch Ehime orange picking experiences, Seto Inland Sea seafood fishing experiences, pearl picking handicraft making, pottery making, rural life style experiences, etc. tourism projects.

The Clement Hotel has just been built, and the tourism project is still unfinished.

My aunt and two sisters were probably the first travelers here.

Arriving at the entrance of the modern hotel, which was well-known in the village, Xiao Qi Mingyue shook her head behind her back.

"Not here."

"Huh? Not this hotel?"

"It's this hotel, but mom's temporary accommodation will be next to the hotel, in a house by the sea."

That place.

It seems to be a tourist villa area, with VIP access for very wealthy people.

[Sakakihara Raku] Continue to carry Xiao Qingyue on his back and move forward quickly.

"Your family is very rich in July. You live in that place."

"Mom is a big star."

"Big star? No wonder you are so cute and your hair is golden."

"Brother really wants to kidnap me."

"Don't worry about this anymore. I would throw all my hatchets at the station because of you. Is your mother a big star abroad?"


"Mixed, no wonder. But why do you speak Chinese?"

"Grandpa speaks Chinese."

"Grandpa speaks Chinese? Oh, I probably know."

"Mom can do it, and dad can do it too."

"Your mother is of mixed English and Chinese descent, right, but why is your father too?"

"My father is very powerful and can speak many languages. He will be a barrister in the future."

"So, your mother came to Japan to get married?"

"Yeah, mom and dad are both great."

[Myself] smiled: "I feel like you like your parents so much in Qiyue."

"Dad, and mother, are very good to my sister and me."

"That's a really warm family. You're rich, and your parents are very kind to you. I think the dress you're wearing is probably very expensive."

"I don't know the exact amount. Does my brother's family have no money?"

"No, our family is just an ordinary farmer, both grandfather and grandmother."

"Do you want me to give you money, brother?"

"Haha, where do you have any money?"

While jogging and chatting along the way, the bumps in her body made Xiao Qi Mingyue feel much better.

I don’t feel so sleepy anymore and want to sleep.

Sakakihara Raku felt that Nanami Mingyue was an ordinary little girl at this time.

She looks forward to her parents very much, likes them very much, and easily accepts people who are good to her.

This is completely different from the future Tianhai Qimingyue.

As for the reason why she became like that, as [she] walked through the rainy season, Sakakibara believed that she had spied part of it.

Around a villa surrounded by palm trees and flower vines.

[Sakakibara Raku] Walked around with Minachi Minazuki, who had an injured foot on her back.

Because they couldn't remember which house they were in, they walked to three or four villas in a row.

"There's a piano sound."

A touch of light music mixed in the misty rain.

This short section of piano continues to play, as if the piano player is practicing this piece of music.

[Sakakihara Raku] raised his head and looked towards the last house in the villa area.

"Is it over there?"

he asked the little girl behind him.

But Xiaoqi Mingyue didn't know why. After hearing this piano piece, her mood suddenly became depressed, and her little head hid in [Sakakihara Raku]'s shoulder.

"What's wrong?"

"It's my sister who is practicing the piano."

"Your sister?"


[Sakakihara Raku] carried Xiao Qi Mingyue on his back and continued to approach until he stood outside a metal fence.

He poked his head inwards and left and right, looking through the cracks in the fence for the figure in the window of the villa.

He saw the figure in the room standing behind a little girl.

And the other little girl with the same hair color as Xiao Qi Mingyue seemed to be listening to her mother's instructions and kept tapping the dark upright piano with her hands.

Beautiful music flows from the fingertips.

Even though the little girl was obviously tired, her fingers kept playing.

The mother had a smile on her face, holding her chin with her fingers and nodding regularly to the rhythm of her daughter's piano.

The wet little girl saw this, saw this in the rain.

My mood became increasingly depressed.

On one side is a home full of warm lights, a smiling mother and an older sister practicing the piano hard.

On the other side, under the heavy sky, she was caught in the rain, her feet were injured, and her whole body was wet.

The little girl seemed to be clutching the clothes on [her] shoulders.

[I] didn't look back and kept looking at the scenery inside the house.

Although Sakakibara Raku couldn't see things beyond [his] perspective, he probably felt Nanamigetsu's mood.

My mother was still standing in the room teaching my sister.

This shows that throughout the afternoon, my mother did not look for her at all.

Even when her clothes got wet, she slipped on the mountain, and she waited quietly for several hours at a rural station.

Her mother never looked for her at all.

Sakakibara even couldn't help but picture the little girl waiting under the country station just now with her head down.

".I'll take you back."

Xiao Qi Mingyue seemed to hesitate for several seconds, after taking a look at her mother and sister in the room.

She averted her eyes and kept shaking her head.

She didn't want to accept the fact that her mother didn't come to find her at all.

"But your mother...and she's at home. If you don't go back, you'll definitely catch a cold."

She still shook her head and grabbed the clothes on [Sakakihara Raku]'s back with her hands.

Sakakibara Raku can understand [his] thoughts now.

No matter what, the person inside is her mother.

[I] am just a stranger at this moment.

[Self] sighed, walked around the fence on the side, and started walking towards the door.

"don't want."

At this time, the little girl behind him grabbed his clothes with her hands, expressing her inner thoughts with her actions.

[Sakakihara Raku] tried to dissuade.

"No. No, I don't want to go back."

"But if you don't go back -"

"I do not want"

She just repeated this.

"But you're going to get sick like this."

"I won't go back."

This tug-of-war went on for a long time, and no matter how much [Sakakihara Raku] tried to comfort her, she refused to enter the house.

[Sakakihara Raku] Wanted to warn the people in the room, but Xiao Qi Mingyue became anxious and bit him with her teeth to stop him from shouting.

He almost fell off his back because of it.

The little girl on her back hugged [Sakakibara Raku] even more closely from her back, not knowing whether her body was cold.

"Really don't want to go back?"

The little girl didn't respond and acquiesced.

There was no way such a big child could be left outside.

She didn't want to go back.

And if you force her again, she will have the energy to seek death and survive.

(My aunt is really bad. Qi Mingyue was gone in the afternoon, so she couldn’t even find her.)

The angle of view glanced at the beautiful woman who was very happy in the room.

Inside is the sister with clean clothes, which forms an even greater contrast.

"Really don't want to go back?"

Xiao Qi Mingyue behind her still didn't respond, but buried her face deeper.

"You're really going to catch a cold now."

Although the rainy season in June is not too cold, it cannot withstand long periods of hard work.

There was no other way. Faced with a little girl who refused to go anywhere, [Sakakihara Raku] could only suggest to her that she go to his home.

"Anyway, my home is not far from here, and there is a phone at home. When we go there, how about we call your mother first to let her know?"


In this way, [I] carried Xiao Qi Mingyue on my back and turned back the way I came. ,

Arriving at the door of the house, [I] pushed the door open and found that it was locked.

I knocked inside and stood under the eaves for a long time, but still no response.

Sakakihara instantly guessed that his bastard father must have gone to play cards and locked the door.

"My dad doesn't seem to be here. Let's go to my grandma's house. I live there recently and my grandma's house is not far away."

Listen to what [myself] once said.

Sakakihara Raku really felt like he was a child abductor.

Although I was only 7 years old at that time.

Grandma's house didn't lock the door.

Grandma and grandpa were not at home either, so Sakakihara Raku, who didn't know what they were doing, had to settle down with Xiao Qi Mingyue first.

This little loli is not in a good mood right now.

Recently, he and his sister were staying at his grandma's house. Dad was only staying there temporarily for two days, so his grandma's house also had A-Ling's clothes.

Xiao Qi Mingyue's dress got wet and had to be changed.

"Does your foot still hurt?"


"Then can you take a bath alone? If you get caught in the rain, you must take a hot bath."

"My sister and I washed them together."

——The implication is that she wants someone to accompany her.

At that time, what strange ideas could a seven-year-old boy and a five-year-old girl have?

Sakakihara Raku watched helplessly as Xiao Qi Mingyue buried her face in silence and nodded in agreement to let him help her take a bath after asking him repeatedly.

"Then let's go to the bathroom and I'll help you take off your clothes."

Wash her hair, hands, and arms. The most important thing is that she washes herself.

After flushing the hot water, [I] put the towel on Xiao Qi Mingyue's head and wiped her hair clean.

"Do you feel better after taking a bath?"


"How about you wear my sister's clothes first?"

Just a gentle "Hmm."

Elderly people always have sprain ointments and bandages at home, which can be used in emergencies.

Xiao Qi Mingyue sat on the sofa and stretched out her injured foot.

[Sakakihara Raku] used ice packs to apply to her wounds.


"Be patient, your feet are a little swollen and need to be treated with ice," [Sakakihara Raku] said to her with a smile in order to help her relieve the pressure, "Can't you speak in July?"

After some time, she took a bath again. At this time, Xiao Qi Mingyue's mood seemed to have recovered a little.

"Brother, can you heal injuries?"

"I can't, but I'm good at dealing with sprains like this."


"Why don't you talk again? It's so fun to chat. Or do you want me to ask you? For example, where did you originally live, where did you come from, what do you usually like, and so on."

"I have no idea."

"have no idea?"

“I don’t know what I like, and I don’t know what I like to eat.”

"That shouldn't be the case. Children should all have their own favorite things."

"Then brother is also a child. What does brother like?"

"Me?" [Sakakihara Raku] said while applying ointment to her little fleshy feet, "I don't have anything I like. I can eat anything, and my family is not too rich. If I want to say what I like, it's probably Let’s play with my sister. Alas, I don’t know if this is a return to childhood. I actually have a lot of fun with my sister. I help her make some toys, and then watch her admire my brother with envy. "

Xiao Qi Mingyue didn't pay much attention to what he said. Instead, she kept paying attention to his actions of pinching her foot and helping her to deal with the injury.

Her belly began to growl.


"Well, I'm hungry."

"Then wait a minute and let me take a look."

[Sakakihara Raku] stood up with his knees up, left the living room, and went to the kitchen for a while.

"What's this?"

"Potato chips. My grandma bought her a snack. I don't know if my sister put it in the refrigerator. It's a bit cold. You can just eat it for now, and I'll make you a bowl of fried rice."

Xiao Qi Mingyue took the packaging bag he handed over: "I haven't eaten it."

"Do you know how to open it?"

Shake his head.

[Sakakihara Raku] helped her open the potato chip bag again, "Take it and eat it."

Watch this scene from a first-person perspective, with the mentality of a bystander.

Sakakihara Raku didn't realize that he was so good at kidnapping and selling lolita, and he made her obey in just a few words.

The perspective continues.

Because there was still leftover rice, green onions and eggs in the refrigerator, [I] planned to fry a bowl of the most common egg fried rice for her to eat.

I was worried that she wouldn't like it, so I fried some minced meat in advance and added it to the fried rice to enhance the flavor.

After the fried rice is fried, it already has a fragrant aroma.

[My] perspective suddenly changed.

At the door of the kitchen, Xiao Qi Mingyue was scratching the wall and looking at herself. She was holding the potato chips she had just eaten.

"What's wrong?"

"This...is delicious." She held the packaging bag carefully.


"not yet."

"Then just wait a little longer. The food will be ready soon."

My seven-year-old self was really nimble with my hands and feet, and I could make a plate of fried rice with minced meat and eggs in just a few clicks.

Fried rice with minced meat and eggs came to five-year-old Xiao Qi Mingyue, with a specially prepared spoon.

She stared at the meal for a long time, her stomach growled with hunger, but she still didn't start eating.



"Why do you suddenly say this?"

"Shouldn't have bitten you"

Seeing how reasonable this child was, [Sakakihara Raku] comforted her and asked her to eat quickly.

"How is the taste?"

He didn't speak for a long time.

"Yummy, what is this?"

"It's just ordinary fried rice."

“Never tried this before”

"Isn't that right? You are five years old and you have never eaten fried rice? What do you usually eat?"

"Lunchboxes and bread from convenience stores. Occasionally I eat big lobsters and big crabs."

Sakakibara Rakuten speculated that her aunt was probably too lazy to prepare food, so she brought them lunch boxes on weekdays.

Big lobsters, big crabs, etc., that must be something to eat out.

It’s not that these things are bad, it just doesn’t taste like rice at all.

To be precise, Qi Mingyue must have never had home-cooked meals.

Judging from the speed with which she ate, she really liked the fried rice.

"Is it tasty?"


"That's good."

Halfway through, Xiao Qi Mingyue's eating speed slowed down again.



"Wait a minute, I'll get you some water."

After receiving a glass of water and handing it to her, Sakakibara went to the yard to pick a few fresh early-maturing oranges and peeled them for her to eat.

I'm worried about finding a plush blanket for her to wrap around later.

After eating a full meal, I also ate potato chips and oranges, and I wasn't cold anymore.

Xiao Qi Mingyue, however, held the blanket to warm her body and continued to lower her head.

[Sakakihara Raku] sat next to her, seeing that she was still a little unhappy, and continued to tell her some interesting things or stories. He took out A Ling's toys and gave them to her to play with.

When they got to the back, Xiao Qi Mingyue looked at him several times.

The stories he told were quite fascinating, and Xiao Qi Mingyue was entranced several times.

Afterwards, grandma came home. After [Sakakihara Raku] explained to grandma, grandma didn't say anything about the existence of the little girl.

I just got her mother's phone number from her mouth and contacted her using the landline.

At the end, her mother and sister came to pick her up.

At this time, Xiao Qi Mingyue could still feel that her stomach was full, and the residual aroma of the fried rice was still in her mouth.

She was reluctant to let go of her brother who wanted to kidnap and traffick her today.

"After I go back, will I see my brother again?"

"Of course, you're welcome to come and play anytime."

Until the moment her sight completely disappeared, her eyes were still on him. ,

I don’t know if it’s because dreams often don’t match the real world, but this period of time went on for a long, long time.

For several days.

From the initial encounter to the next day, Qi Mingyue, led by her mother, came to play with him.

Later, she went to play with him alone.

As for [himself], he was bored anyway, so he took her and the two to visit all the scenery around the village.

He took her to climb mountains, took her and A-Ling to fish by the creek, made a fire to barbecue branches, took her on a boat trip, and took her to the beach to fish.

Tell her where there is a cat nest or a sparrow nest in the village.

He even took them to steal one or two oranges from the orchard in the next village.

Although this is indeed a bit unkind and a sudden whim, the feeling of running wildly with two little girls is indeed quite exciting.

Oh, right.

Ah Ling was so anxious that she froze on the spot because she failed to climb over the wall and there was a big black dog in the yard, crying loudly.

Then the orchard's mistress was alarmed. Unexpectedly, she was still a friend of my mother’s.

The three of them were naturally left here, cleaning the ground all afternoon as compensation.

Visible to the naked eye, Xiao Qiyue became cheerful.

Sakakihara Raku watched all the way and was mostly filled with emotion.

Later, Xiao Qiyue became more and more interested in playing with herself.

She even went against her mother's wishes and ran out before completing her piano lessons.

Just to sneak a look at him.

Naturally, she faced punishment from her mother, which included grounding and practicing.

After the lockdown ended, it was also the night when the rainy season ended.

[He] helped A Ling bury her fireflies.

It was from here that Sakakihara Raku noticed something was wrong.

——I always tell her about Sherlock Holmes, how powerful and smart the Sherlock Holmes is.

Xiaoqi Mingyue had to enjoy it.

She was probably in a bad mood today because she couldn't match her sister's talent at the piano. When [I] noticed this, I started to encourage her and made a promise to her.

——An agreement was made: "Next time we meet, as long as you learn a little more, I will prepare an extra story you like in exchange."

Xiaoqi Mingyue asked [himself] why.

[Myself] replied to her: "Because I quite like people who know everything."

Xiaoqi Mingyue heard [her] words, lowered her head and looked at the ground, as if repeating this sentence again and again.

He even ticked the boxes and made a promise.

Seeing this, Sakakibara wanted to slap himself.

Is this a sin of your own making?

When saying goodbye, [I] waved to her, and she stared at me from afar.

His eyes were full of reluctance.

This scene.

Let Raku Sakakihara understand directly.

Why Qi Mingyue? Why does Qi Mingyue know so much knowledge?

Why she likes to read books.

Why just ask her, she can answer it.

In fact, she didn't like these things that much at all.

Rather, these things were the goals that she brought to her.

She has always been moving forward because of the agreement she made with her.

After more than ten years, she didn't know how much knowledge she had learned, but she never brought her a story that interested her.

——This is the penultimate day before her departure.

In the early morning of the next day, at the last moment when she was about to go home, she came to say goodbye to her.

She was very reluctant and invited him to go home with A Ling and herself.

She will introduce him seriously to her mother.

This is naturally impossible.

"There will be a chance to meet in the future."

——My own words seemed to be inexplicably convincing to Xiao Qiyue.

She spent a long time trying to convince herself and then made a promise to him:

She will definitely come back to him.

And at the end, he gave her a shark keychain as a gift.

From here on, the dream scene becomes chaotic and disorderly.

The airport, looking back when returning to Tokyo, leaning against the airplane window and looking down with reluctance, the little girl sitting alone in the room looking at the moon, the notebook filled with road maps, the father's scolding, the sister's crying, and the constant The sound of the train continued to ring in my ears.

There seems to be a long memory behind this.

But Sakakihara frowned, his consciousness deviating in chaos and disorder.

The sky in the real world has already brightened up, and the winter sun shines slantingly into the house.

Sakakihara opened his eyes, as if he had escaped from a long dream.

It also has the aroma of green apple, and it feels very soft to the touch, so soft that you can't help but pinch it twice.

Wait, the smell of green apple.? !

Only then did Sakakibara realize that he had hugged Xiao Qingyue, whose face had grown many times more mature, and she was in his arms.

Her snowy shoulders were exposed, her hair was hanging down, and she looked at herself expressionlessly.

Sakakibara subconsciously retracted his right hand. There's also rebound.

"I said it was an accident, do you believe it?"

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