About the fact that I unintentionally raised my sister to be a cripple

Chapter 145 Another confession from Tianhai Qimingyue

"I am very troubled."

"Well, so, what are you worried about?"

"Hey, Xiaoye doesn't go out with me after school lately."

"This is normal. Even childhood sweethearts have their own private space. It's okay if they don't go out with you."

"But, why do I feel that she has been a little disgusted with me recently? My recent phone calls are like, um, ah, um, that's it. Usually we communicate for at least two hours and play games with the game on."

"How long have you been officially dating?"

"The last semester of junior high school has begun, less than a year has passed."

"Well, it should be that he has passed the so-called freshness period of lovers and is not that interested in you anymore."

"Hey, you are lying. We are childhood sweethearts. How can we have such a thing as a fresh period?"

"Childhood sweethearts who are ordinary friends are different from childhood sweethearts who are in love. The change in the relationship is your fresh period."

"Am I being disliked?" Fujino Yoshiyuki lay on his seat in the classroom and sighed loudly, "Ah~~ I feel so unmotivated."

Nishijima Ohgi weighed his glasses and glanced at him: "You guys, didn't you claim to be a messenger of justice yesterday? Didn't you want to help Sakakibara recover to his original state?"

"No! Changes must be made!"

Fujino Yoshiyuki said, "Let's do this, Nishijima, let's discuss something."

"Whoever said this must be doing something wrong."

Fujino Yoshiyuki smiled at him and said: "Aren't we going to study Sakakibara today? I have brought my camera."

"Well, yes, you want to be a 'messenger of justice'."

"That. That's that. Also, there is another forum bounty, if we have a chance to get it, I want-"

"You want to get more, right?"


Nishijima Ohgi didn't look at him: "What's the reason?"

"Didn't I just say that Xiaoye doesn't want to talk to me lately? I just want to buy her a gift to help her improve her mood. I don't have enough pocket money now." Fujino Yoshiyuki scratched the back of his head and said very embarrassed.

Nishijima Oki put a hand on his forehead. He finally understood why Fujino spoke so righteously yesterday.

"You must have done something to make your girlfriend angry."

"No, absolutely not!"


Fujino Yoshiyuki was discouraged: "Well, I did make her angry a week ago, and I wanted to buy a gift to compensate her."

"So, as many as you want."

"I'm 70,000 yen short of buying a mobile phone."


"Is that okay?"

"Whether we can get it or not remains to be seen."

"Oh! That means I agree! Thank you so much! Nishijima! From now on, you will be my iron-blooded Aibo!"

"We'll talk about it later."

Fujino Yoshiyuki was so happy that he hugged Nishijima Ohki's neck, "Haha, I'll treat you to a big meal next time."

"A 20,000 yen dinner?"

"Oh, I'll definitely invite you if you have the chance! Wait."

Fujino Yoshiyuki suddenly saw a fleeting shadow outside the classroom.

He immediately nudged Nishidao with his elbow.

"Hey, Nishijima, Sakakibara."

Nishijima Ohki also followed his gaze and looked outside the classroom. Sakakihara Raku just passed by the classroom door and only appeared for a moment, "I saw it."

"How about it? Do you want to follow me? During lunch break, shouldn't he be reading in the classroom or sleeping to recuperate? Things are very strange~"

"Let's go then? Follow us and have a look?"

"Come on, I'll bring the camera."

Fujino Yoshiyuki grabbed his drawer, hung the camera around his neck, and followed Nishijima Ooki out sneakily.

Sakakibara walked down the teaching building, his destination was the back garden pool.

It's not that I have any special purpose, I just want to take a walk in the school.

Different from before, this time when he walked in the school, he could find that there were obviously many more people observing him.

Be it a girl or a boy.

This was probably because Jiuliuli came here specially to deliver biscuits to him.

Rumors spread.

After all, she is a beautiful girl with excellent morals and academics. She has a kind and gentle personality. Both teachers and classmates like her very much.

"That. Sakakibara-kun."

Raku Sakakihara stopped in the student corridor and turned around. Appearing in front of him was an acquaintance, Sakakibara Raku knew, the only member of the literature club, Kobayashi-senpai.

Her voice was a little soft, she wanted to call herself, but she was a little afraid of calling herself.

I attended her birthday tea party last time. She was a very quiet lady.

"Hmm? Senior Xiaolin, what's the matter?"

"I've always wanted to ask Sakakibara-kun."

Seeing the look in her eyes, Sakakibara roughly understood what her question was, "Senior, do you want to ask me why I quit the club?"

"Well, because of Minister Nanami Mingzuki, there are only a few of us in the Literature Club. Therefore, Sakakibara-kun suddenly resigned from the club, and the Literature Club became even more deserted. I am not very able to understand that the reason why Sakakibara-kun resigned from the club was because of family emergencies. ?"

"It's not that there's an emergency at home, but it's my own decision to withdraw from the club." Sakakihara Raku didn't want to explain the reason.

"That's it." There was an obvious sense of disappointment in Senior Xiaolin's voice.

Raku Sakakibara: "The Literature Club publishes a monthly magazine every month. The workload is a bit heavy, but I believe that with your and Nanamigetsu's abilities, we can complete it."

"It can be done, but this is not a question of whether it can be done. The Literature Club is too deserted."

"Senior Xiaolin can try to recruit someone."

Xiaolin Xiyue shook her head: "No one wants to come. Everyone is against what happened in the Literature Department before. Although the impression of that incident now is suppressed by the identity of Minister Qi Mingyue, although no one will talk too much about it, But this also means that not many people will be willing to come in. In addition, the minister doesn’t like too many people in the first place, and if she raises the standards for joining the ministry, no one will come.”

Sakakibara listened to what the senior said.

Generally speaking, due to various reasons, no one from the literature club would join, and there was no chance to invite anyone in.

In the current literature department, apart from the nominal A Ling, there are only two people, Qi Mingyue and Xiao Lin.

"Senior Xiaolin, do you want me to go back?"

"Yeah, okay?"

"No," Raku Sakakihara shook his head and refused, "I have no plans to join the club now."

"What about your club credits, Sakakibara-kun? If you don't have any credits in the club within one semester, you will be suspended from the grade. Sakakibara-kun also withdrew from the Kyudo Club, right?"

How could I have forgotten this!

The clubs in this school have to keep credits.

If you don’t have enough credits, that is, if your attendance rate within the club is not enough, you will have to repeat the grade!

A Ling had asked her to be a name in Qi Mingyue's literature club just because of this matter.

Sakakihara thought for a while, and then said: "I can join other clubs."

Kobayashi Yuzuki: "Then why doesn't Sakakibara-kun come to the Faculty of Literature? Even if it's in name, that's fine. Sakakibara-kun comes here every day and won't cause you too much trouble."


Senior Xiaolin's words are sincere and her attitude is sincere. If it were an ordinary junior, facing such a female senior who hopes to join the club, she would have no choice but to agree.

What a pity, Xiaolin-senpai.

My withdrawal had little to do with the entire literature club, but rather because I didn’t want to face the Seven Bright Moons of the Sky and the Sea.

Because of Jiuliuli, the atmosphere when he was staying with her now was particularly delicate.

Sakakihara thought he had to find an excuse to shirk his senior sister's kindness.

As for the club, let's see if the game club can let me in.

"Senior Xiaolin, I'm sorry, even if I want to go in now, I'm afraid I won't be able to."

"Huh?! Why."

"Because, for a certain person, I think with her character, if I quit on my own initiative, I wouldn't have to think about joining."

Kobayashi Xizuki was puzzled. At the same time, she accidentally discovered Nanami Nanami holding a book and walking slowly from the corridor behind Sakakibara Raku.

"Minister Qi Mingyue, it's not so scary."

"No, no, no, she is so scary. She can eat people without spitting out their bones. She is also very petty. She can remember any trivial matter. She is so stingy. She also likes to torture people and watch them make a fool of themselves."

Nanami Nanami stopped behind Sakakibara Raku and looked at the back of his head.

"No." Kobayashi Xiyue glanced at Amami Nanamigetsu who was standing behind Sakakibara Raku and said.

Sakakibara continued: "That's the truth."

"But Sakakibara-kun is now considered Minister Nanamigetsu's brother. She should-"

"No, no, no," Raku Sakakibara interrupted Xiaolin-senpai, waved his hand, and continued, "She is someone who doesn't care about other people's identities, so she won't talk about me being grudged and being revenged by her. In a very long time, Earlier, Uncle Tianhai secretly ate a bag of potato chips from her, and she remembered it in her heart. He was her father, and she dared to play tricks on her. This shows how vindictive and petty she is. I don’t want to be She's being targeted."

Sakakihara Raku found that the expression of Senior Kobayashi in front of him became very embarrassed for no reason.

"So, you think she is a heinous person?"

"Of course, she has a bad personality, loves to joke, and likes to laugh at people's jokes. No matter how you look at it, it's not what a girl should look like."

Sakakihara Raku just wanted to deal with Kobayashi-senpai's invitation and answered subconsciously.

After finishing the answer, I realized for a moment that the question was not coming from in front of me, but from behind.

Sakakihara Raku realized that it was not a second and looked back.

Tianhai Qimingyue half-closed her eyes and stared at herself.

She looks at herself, and he looks at her.

Eyes meet.

The atmosphere was filled with only a growing embarrassment.


Before changing, Sakakibara Raku would still explain, but now his relationship with Nanamigyue is not good.

So he had no intention of explaining. It's also more of a mentality of not wanting to talk to her.

"Brother, is it time to calm down?" Tianhai Qimingyue spoke first.

"Calm down? No, I don't care about that at all."

"Brother, there is no need to use such an easy-to-see excuse to cover up. It will look very childish."


Sakakibara couldn't help but laugh. He turned his head, flexed his shoulders, and after a small smile, he said to Amami Nanamiyue: "I am very naive, so naive that I really think I like me. But being childish is childish. Who can not be childish? Qi Mingyue, at least, I think I have a clear conscience for what I have done so far.

"Do you think I will still view you the same way after what happened?

"Sorry, I really can't do it."

"Well, I'll leave first." Xiaolin Xiyue became nervous when she saw the atmosphere in front of her. She realized that she couldn't stay here anymore, so she nodded and left, "Then, Minister Nanamigyue, Sakakibara-kun, I'll leave first. Farewell."

"Well," Tianhai Qimingyue nodded, and after Xiaolin Xiyue disappeared completely, she looked at him again: "Brother is indifferent on the surface, but what he said is extremely caring. Such lies will make brother feel very painful, just like sister. ."

Amami Nanamigetsu's words made Sakakibara Raku's heart sink.

"I haven't talked to my brother for a month. I just wanted to wait for him to calm down before asking my sister to apologize to him. But in the first few days, my sister always felt guilty for treating him like that. Her character couldn't bear the guilt. I felt sorry for him, so I went to see my brother several times and wanted to apologize."


This incident has always been a pain in the ass.

In this matter, Qi Mingyue can be regarded as half a victim. After all, Jiu Liuli even hid it from her at first.

Although she made some small mistakes, Sakakihara did not want to take the matter of Jiu Liuli out on her.

"Qi Mingyue, you said this because you want me and Jiuliuli to reconcile?"

"Everyone hopes so."

Of course Sakakibara knew who she was referring to.

"Sorry, I still can't forgive Jiuliuli."

"Brother mentioned 'return', which means there is still hope for my sister."

Sakakihara didn't want to argue with her, and said calmly: "It's your own business if you want to think like this. I don't think so."

Amami Nanamigetsu exchanged a few words with Sakakibara Raku, and she understood.

My brother is in a very complicated mood right now.

It can't be untied, and it keeps pulling.

But one thing is clear now, the brother will not forgive his sister yet.

Whether it was the good impression I had towards my brother before, or the guilt I feel towards him now.

"Sister will still come to see brother today."

"Huh?" Sakakihara's eyes widened, "This is naked entanglement! It's harassment!"

Tianhai Qimingyue looked at him with sky blue glasses under her gold-rimmed glasses, and said calmly: "If brother regards this as my sister's pursuit, it doesn't matter. My sister won't care. No, it should be said that my sister hopes so. Even you now If I ask my sister to get back together, she will be happy to agree."

Sakakibara was speechless. What kind of logic is this? He even found it funny: "Don't you think this kind of Jiuri is very childish? You bullied someone's feelings and you want to fill it with feelings? Because you feel guilty, you want to fill it with love. ?Sorry, I can't accept this feeling, let alone forgive."

"My sister is indeed very childish and hurtful. Even if she has good intentions, can my brother guarantee that my sister's guilt towards you does not include any love? Is it possible that when my sister is in love with my brother, my sister Aren't you happy? It's precisely because my sister has a certain liking for your brother that she feels guilty, so she tells you what she has hidden from you.

"If possible, sister doesn't have to tell everything. She only needs to hang on to you, so that brother won't hate her, and she can achieve her original goal."

Qi Mingyue was not trying to explain to herself whether Jiu Liuli was wrong.

Rather, he was explaining to himself the reasons for this.

Also, if Jiu Liuli had not taken the initiative to break up with him at that time, but had worried about herself, he would not hate her as much as he does now, and even if he breaks up in the future, it will be much more peaceful.

It was precisely because Jiuliuli realized his mistake that he took the initiative to expose this matter to himself.

She also knew in her heart that what she did was wrong

But whether Liuli knew she was wrong or not, the damage had been done.

Sakakihara didn't want to accept it yet: "This is not an excuse for her to cheat on me."

Tianhai Qimingyue didn't intend for him to accept it: "I didn't use this as a brother to forgive my sister, I just said it truthfully.

"I'm just telling you, brother, that I want you to know that sister, I do like you and your sister, brother, and I do feel very sorry for you, brother. If you, brother, can forgive her, she will apologize ten times sincerely. In fact, your brother who knows your sister’s past also knows it, right? In fact, your sister has always been used by your mother. If your sister had continued with you at that time, she would have really fallen in love with you. The fundamental reason is that your mother wanted to take your sister there, and it was your mother who told your sister that you should If you want to break it off, just break it off, so I just tell my brother about the breakup."


Amami Nanamigetsu's words made Sakakibara Raku feel complicated again.

Wrapped around, wrapped around. I can’t understand this feeling at all.

Sakakibara wanted to have the urge to wave his big hand and wonder, who are you two?

But he knew that with his own personality, it would be difficult to do it.

However, after thinking about it, it is true that Jiuliuli was used by his mother, but the harm Jiuliuli brought to him is an indisputable fact.

Yes, even if Jiu Liuli really likes her and is being used, she shouldn't change her mind just because of Jiu Liuli.

Why should I comply with them?

Shouldn't they have to comply with themselves?

I can't forgive her.

Sakakihara Raku knew and understood.

There are not many things in this world that I am interested in, and it is difficult to find a life goal that I like.

Therefore, he takes taking care of people who like him as the direction he can work hard at this stage.

But this does not mean that one can be deceived and feel this kind of cowardice.

Sakakibara Raku has to thank Ichiban Nanamigetsu today for making herself a little clearer and her mind a little smoother.

He smiled and said, "Jiu Liuli can come to me this afternoon if you want. I still won't change my mind."

"Well, this is a matter for my brother to decide."

As Nanami Nanami's eyes moved down, she suddenly discovered that Raku Sakakibara was actually wearing a necklace of lilies and leaves on her neck.

That necklace

After a few seconds of silence, Tianhai Qimingyue seemed to think of something on that necklace, and tried to calm down her chest.

"What are you looking at?" Sakakihara noticed her gaze.


"You mean this string?" Sakakihara put the necklace in his right hand and rubbed it.

"Who gave it to you?"

"A Ling gave it to me. She gave it to me this morning."

"You like this necklace very much?"

Sakakihara Raku didn't know why she asked this, "Ah, after all, it's the style I like, and it was given by Suzu, so of course I like it."


Amami Nanami stared at the necklace for a long time, and then stared at Sakakibara Raku's face for a long time.

She remembered the words and promises someone had made to her before.

"Why are you looking at me like this?"

".If I tell you again that I like you, how will you react?"

"." Sakakihara put away his expression, "It's impossible to accept it."

Tianhai Qimingyue's glowing pupils obviously stagnated for a second. Then, the girl lowered her slightly twitching eyes and turned her face to the side, her expression becoming cold and calm, "Think about it, no matter from the atmosphere or the timing, it's the next best thing." The next best choice.”

"I don't understand why you like me, whether it's your character, your behavior, or my impression of you."

Regarding this question, Tianhai Qi Mingyue did not choose to answer, but picked up the book in her hand again and walked past him.

Sakakihara followed her figure until she disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Raku Sakakibara could only say sorry for Nanamiyue's feelings.

No matter before or now, he had no reason to agree to her.

He also couldn't understand her liking for him.

"I hope she can let it go on her own."

Sakakibara looked away, turned around, put his hands in his pockets and looked at the ground, walking in the opposite direction of Tenkai Nanamiyue.

Behind the grass in the flower bed outside the corridor.

"Just leaving?" Fujino Yoshiyuki held two small branches in his hand and looked at the place where Sakakihara Raku was standing just now. There was no one there.

"Gone." Nishijima Daiki replied.

"Well, so, they have been talking for so long, what were they talking about just now?"

"have no idea."

"You didn't listen to your feelings!" Fujino Yoshiyuki said disgustedly.

"What do you mean I didn't listen? It's like you can hear me."

Nishijima Oki glanced at him, "It's a bit far away, so we can't hear clearly, but we don't know everything. At least we know that Sakakibara and the two ministers know each other and are very familiar with each other. You took the photo just now. Bar."

Fujino Yoshiyuki raised the camera, "Of course, you heard something else."

Nishijima Ohgi recalled for a second or two: "Just now I seemed to have heard the news that Kuruuri was going to find Sakakibara after school in the afternoon."

"Minister Tenkai Kuruuri is going to find Sakakibara! Oh! This is big news. Let's continue in the afternoon."

"This is considered voyeurism, wouldn't it be good?"

Fujino Yoshiyuki patted Nishijima's shoulder sincerely, "What do you know? This is called taking care of friends. We are working hard to restore Sakakibara to his original state!"

"It always feels unreliable."

"Oh my, it's come to this, what are you worried about? And I'm really curious about the relationship between the two Ministers Tenkai and this guy Sakakibara. Wait, my phone rang."

Nishijima Ohki looked at him and took out his mobile phone, "Who?"

"Wait a minute."

Fujino Yoshiyuki, who was originally very happy, turned into a bitter look the moment he saw the chat history.

He put the chat history to Xiang Damu and showed it to him.

There was a long series of conversations written on it, ending with a line of reply saying "no time".

"Xiaoye, she blocked me."

"No way."

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