"How is the molten salt introduction going?"

"It's all still in a solid state, waiting for the reaction to start moving into a molten state."

"What is the status of the control system and radiation detection system?"

"Everything is fine, just waiting to start."

Molten salt reactors are different from traditional pressurized water reactors in that they do not have lumpy nuclear fuel rods.

The fuel required for nuclear fission is all mixed with molten salt.

The reaction is heated directly.

Uranium-235, which has an abundance of 3%, can heat the molten salt to more than 700 degrees and maintain normal pressure.

This gives molten salt reactors advantages that previous generations of reactors never had.

There is no longer a need to shut down the reactor when adding nuclear fuel.

A mixture of nuclear fuel and molten salt can be directly injected into the reactor while it is working.

As for ordinary pressurized water reactors or boiling water reactors, when the nuclear power plant operates for a period of time, the abundance of nuclear fuel rods decreases and is insufficient to provide sufficient power.

It is necessary to reset the nuclear fuel rods of the entire reactor.

This takes a lot of time.

If it were just a nuclear power plant, spending a little more time on maintenance wouldn't matter.

But if applied to a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, a reactor refueling would take at least a year.

Time passes bit by bit, and the first operation time of the fourth-generation thorium-based molten salt reactor is coming soon.

"The first trial operation of the thorium-based molten salt reactor begins!"

Zhang Xingyang gave the order for the trial operation with a calm face.

A highly abundant mixture of nuclear fuel is pumped into the circulating reaction chamber.

A chain reaction begins to occur.

The nucleus of uranium-235 is bombarded by external neutrons and splits into two nuclei of smaller mass, releasing 2-3 neutrons at the same time.

The released neutrons continue to bombard additional uranium-235.

The chain reaction started to go on and on.

A large amount of energy is released at the same time.

Because the abundance of nuclear fuel is controlled.

The speed of the chain reaction in a nuclear power plant reactor is much slower than that of an atomic bomb.

And since energy is mainly emitted in the form of heat.

Therefore, it will not produce the effect of a nuclear weapon explosion.

To describe it, it's like throwing a self-heating stone into a pile of molten salt, which continuously heats the molten salt.

Normally, a pressurized water reactor or boiling water reactor controls the reaction speed by controlling the contact between nuclear fuel rods and moderators.

When the reaction speed is too fast, fuel rods are inserted deep into the moderator to reduce the amount of neutrons produced and slow down the reaction.

When the reaction speed is too slow, the fuel rods are pulled out slightly to increase the amount of neutrons produced to speed up the reaction.

"The power is currently only 75% of the design power!"

"It is expected to be caused by the smaller number of neutrons in the nuclear reaction."

The assistants around Zhang Xingyang constantly reported to Zhang Xingyang the status of the experiment.

"Then keep adding a high-abundance fuel mixture to it!"

Zhang Xingyang said after carefully looking at the reaction.

Their calculations take into account a variety of different situations.

However, there are still some deviations between the actual situation and the calculated results.

In calculations, nuclear fuel with a concentration of three percent can achieve full power.

But only three-quarters of it is actually reached.

This may be related to the molten salt itself flowing at high temperature.

Such a thought flashed through Zhang Xingyang's mind.

I didn’t think deeply about it afterwards.

Because a new situation has arisen.

"The radiation level of the heat exchange tube exceeded our expectations and reached 70msv."

The assistant broke the bad news.

The radiation level of the heat exchange tube is directly related to its service life.

The higher the radiation level, the longer the service life will be.

A radiation dose of 70msv will not have much impact on materials in the short term.

But in the long run, it will have a greater impact.

The life of a heat exchange tube that could have been used for thirty years may directly drop to twenty years!

Fortunately, such a dose will not have a major impact on people.

After being weakened by the two-layer concrete shell, the amount of radiation is no different from that of ordinary air.

No one will stay in the reactor core for a long time.

When shutting down the reactor for inspection, everyone will pay attention to all aspects of protection.

"After recording these issues, send them to Director Su and the others."

Zhang Xingyang thought for a moment and decided not to pay much attention to the matter.

Lidya Su should be able to handle this small problem by herself.

"Are there any operational issues with the turbine?"

Zhang Xingyang said something else immediately.

"There are no problems with the operation of the turbine." This time the assistant did not give any more bad news.

Mountain-like white mist floated out from the thick condensation tower.

That is the high-temperature water vapor discharged by the steam turbine after operation.

After the air is cooled, it condenses into clouds.

White clouds began to appear in the yellow sand in the sky.

Then it will fall again in this dry desert, completing the cycle of its own life.

Along with the clouds flying into the sky, a large amount of electrical energy is produced.

Then it was connected to numerous devices.

The molten salt reactor has not passed Nuclear Safety Administration testing, so it cannot be officially connected to the grid to generate electricity.

The electricity generated can only be used by the institute itself.

The institute is equipped with several large-scale equipment for testing.

The most important one is an electrolytic hydrogen production equipment.

Hydrogen is a new type of energy.

Has a very wide range of application prospects.

However, there is no good solution for the preparation and storage of hydrogen.

In terms of preparation, hydrogen is mainly produced by electrolyzing water.

As we all know, water molecules are composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

After electrolysis, hydrogen and oxygen may be obtained.

If hydrogen is used as fuel, water will also be obtained after combustion.

It is a kind of clean energy.

Preparing hydrogen requires a lot of electricity, which is also one of the obstacles restricting the development of hydrogen energy.

However, the institute's research on electrolytic hydrogen technology is just incidental.

The main reason is that I don’t want to see such a huge waste of power.

The power of the currently operating experimental reactor has reached 220 megawatts.

It can generate more than 220,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity in one hour of operation.

It can meet the electricity consumption of tens of thousands of families for a day.

"The reactor worked well for the first time and was ready to be shut down."

The first operation of the reactor only lasted for an hour before it was stopped by Zhang Xingyang.

Overall, the operating condition is relatively good and there are no major problems.

Of course, there are still small problems.

For example, the nuclear fuel abundance control system is inaccurate, the heat exchange tubes have insufficient radiation protection, etc.

The high-temperature molten salt that was flowing continuously was blocked by several thick metal plates.

The spontaneous chain reaction quickly stops due to insufficient neutrons.

Then the temperature of the molten salt began to slowly drop from more than 600 degrees.

Return to the solid state at room temperature.

The steam turbine, which was originally rotating at high speed driven by high-temperature steam, soon stopped running.

The condensation tower, which seemed to be a cloud-making machine, also stopped Baiyun's production work in a short period of time.

After the first operation of the thorium-based molten salt reactor, Zhang Xingyang sent most of the questions back to various research departments.

Although various research departments have encountered many problems.

But most of them are still relatively happy.

Because their research was not in vain and achieved its due results.

Some people are more uncomfortable, namely the fuel control system research and development room and the materials laboratory responsible for the research and development of heat exchange tube materials.

In addition to this group of sad and happy people, there are also people who are in a state of both happiness and discomfort.

"Director Zhang, this is definitely an unprecedented success for us and a unique achievement in the world."

Lao Li, who was in charge of publicity work, was pulling Zhang Xingyang's sleeve and talking.

"For something like this that can boost national confidence, we should launch an overwhelming publicity campaign!"

After the thorium-based molten salt reactor experiment was successful, Lao Li's first reaction was joy.

After the experiment was successful, his wrinkled face burst into laughter.

But what makes him feel uncomfortable is that such a big achievement has been achieved.

But none of them could say anything.

We don’t know how long it will be kept secret.

"Chief Li, don't tell me these things."

Zhang Xingyang gently took his sleeve from Lao Li's hand.

"I think you should be very clear about the confidentiality principle of our project."

"Since your superiors haven't spoken yet, I hope you won't say a word!"

Zhang Xingyang's research project is fully concealed.

This is why two third-generation nuclear reactors are being built locally.

To a large extent, it is used to cover up the traces of fourth-generation reactors.

There are two reactors for cover.

It can cover up the traces of their experimental pile very well.

Otherwise, there is no need for other aspects, just an extraordinary amount of water consumption.

It can attract prying eyes from people with ulterior motives.

In fact, during this period of time, people from the National Security Bureau had captured many spies nearby.

"I don't think you want to deal with people from the National Security Bureau, right?"

Zhang Xingyang looked at Lao Li with a half-smile and said.

Lao Li was suddenly shocked. He couldn't wear such a big hat.

"No, no, no, director Zhang."

"I was deceived by lard. Just pretend you haven't heard anything."

Lao Li said quickly, not daring to mention the matter of starting publicity work again.

Zhang Xingyang felt almost frightened, and then he said:

"Lao Li, I know that your publicity department has basically nothing to do during this period."

"But don't worry, we can't keep it secret forever. Sooner or later, it will be publicized in a big way, so you can do more copywriting first."

Lao Li quickly nodded in agreement.

In fact, Zhang Xingyang predicts that this time will not be too long.

The high probability is when nuclear-powered aircraft carriers appear.

Their current research and development of molten salt reactors is progressing very quickly, and it is entirely possible to catch up with the construction time of the first domestically produced aircraft carrier.

So when the construction of the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is completed, it will be impossible to keep the fourth-generation molten salt reactor hidden.

Naturally, we have to promote it to the whole world.

That's when Lao Li comes into play.

After sending away Lao Li who was obsessed with making a difference.

Zhang Xingyang came to Su Xiao's materials laboratory.

"What is the current situation of N36? Why is there an overdose of radiation?"

As soon as Zhang Xingyang entered the materials laboratory, he found Su Xiao and asked.

Obviously Su Xiao was also a little surprised by the results of the trial run, "We are still investigating the cause, and it will probably take some time to find it."

Su Xiao's hesitant expression fell into Zhang Xingyang's eyes.

"Do you have any suspicions?"

Lidya Su lowered her head and thought for a moment before saying:

"In fact, I personally suspect that it is a defect in the material itself."

Then Lidya Su shook her head and said:

"It cannot be said to be a material defect, but rather a characteristic of the molten salt pile."

"The radiation intensity of molten salt reactors is much stronger than that of pressurized water reactors."

"Zirconium alloys that could have been used as nuclear fuel tubes cannot isolate such radiation."

Although what Su Xiao said was a bit confusing, Zhang Xingyang still understood what she meant.

Zirconium alloy itself is actually not very able to isolate nuclear radiation.

It is just more resistant to nuclear radiation.

In the environment of nuclear radiation, it can keep its own strength from decreasing slightly.

However, the radiation dose of molten salt reactors is far greater than that of previous pressurized water reactors.

This reduces the strength of zirconium alloys far beyond what was previously thought.

"It seems that the problem still lies in the selection of materials."

Zhang Xingyang touched his chin with his left hand and said:

"There are two solutions."

Su Xiao's eyes lit up, and she signaled Zhang Xingyang not to be too pretentious and to continue speaking quickly.

"The first method is relatively simple. Since zirconium alloy itself has a weak ability to isolate radiation, we can coat it with an insulating layer, such as lead."

Lead ranks lower in the periodic table of elements and is very dense.

Can effectively prevent nuclear radiation.

"But the melting point of lead is too low, only more than 300 degrees, and our molten salt operates at 500 to 600 degrees, which makes it useless."

After Zhang Xingyang talked about the solution, he pointed out the shortcomings of this method.

"If you want to do internal plating, you have to find other materials."

"But in this case, the cost will increase a lot."

Su Xiao thought about this line of thinking, and then said:

"This approach is not advisable, and there is no reconciliation between the two."

"Then we can only use the second method."

"any solution?"

Lidya Su said curiously.

Zhang Xingyang smiled slightly, "Continue to improve the formula of zirconium alloy. Since the current formula is not working, then continue to improve it."

"You can always change the material formula to a suitable one."

Zirconium alloy itself is very suitable as a nuclear material.

The failure of this project does not mean that zirconium alloy is not good.

Lidya Su rolled her eyes: "If you said it, you didn't say it."

"I can think of this too."

"Then have you thought of how to improve the formula of the material?"

Zhang Xingyang asked rhetorically.

"Change the proportions of each item?" Su Xiao said with some uncertainty.

This kind of thing was too simple, and she was a little unsure whether that was what Zhang Xingyang said.

"We used niobium-based alloys before. Its strong corrosion resistance naturally led to a decrease in strength in other aspects."

Zhang Xingyang didn't care too much and continued to point out:

"You can try changing the ratio of tin and niobium." (End of chapter)

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