A big country of aerospace with black technology

Chapter 162 Rebuttal one by one, Guoan dispatched!

Facing the evidence that almost hit him in the face, Chen Bangru chose not to talk about it.

Presumably he also understands that no one has mentioned this kind of empirical evidence before, it's just that no one has discovered it.

Now that someone is the first to pierce this layer of window paper, there is nothing to do except pretend that they didn't see it.

As for what other people will discuss after the show is broadcast, that doesn't matter.

Chen Bangru didn't look directly at the evidence presented by Zhang Xingyang, but turned his head and said:

"I really want to know, what advice does the professor sitting across from me, who teaches at the University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, have on satellite communications?"

Chen Bangru understands very well that at this time, everyone's attention cannot be focused on himself.

So he kicked the ball directly in front of Zhang Xingyang.

Looking at Chen Bangru who was barely smiling, Zhang Xingyang felt that it was not without reason that the other party was able to get funding from foreign forces, at least his skin was thick enough.

Faced with such a situation, ordinary people have long been unable to hold back their emotions.

"Well, since Mr. Chen wants me to talk about my opinion."

"Then let me say a little bit."

Zhang Xingyang looked at Chen Bangru who was almost looking at him with fire in his eyes, smiled and said:

"First of all, let's talk about the advantages of satellite communications."

"Mr. Chen should also admit this."

Zhang Xingyang looked at Chen Bangru with a smile while talking.

Without waiting for the other party to answer, Zhang Xingyang continued.

"The main advantage of satellite communications is that it covers a larger area and is not restricted by terrain."

"Ground base stations are limited by various terrain effects, and it is difficult to achieve complete coverage."

"As you all know, a large number of people in our country live in mountains, hills and other areas where it is very difficult to build ground base stations."

"In the past, if these places wanted to communicate with the outside world, they could basically only communicate through human letters."

"And now, right now, as we chat."

"The coverage rate of satellite communications in my country has reached 99.8%."

"Whether it's the desert in the northwest or the sea in the southeast, communication is possible."

"If ground base stations are built in these places, not only will the investment cost be high, but the utilization rate will be very low, which is a thankless effort."

"And because it's not limited by terrain, satellite communications are better able to maintain communications after dealing with extreme situations."

"Take the flood two years ago as an example. At that time, the second phase of the domestic satellite communication project had not yet started."

"But the forty satellites of the first phase of the project have already started working in the sky."

"During flood fighting and emergency rescue, they played a great role in command and communication."

"Under such circumstances, satellites that can ignore terrain conditions are more reliable than ground base stations that may be destroyed by flash floods and mudslides."

Even the blunt Chen Bangru couldn't argue with this point. After all, the Iridium company he admired built a global satellite communication network before, because he took a fancy to this advantage of satellite communication.

"The advantage of satellite communications is exactly that."

"However, the domestic technology is too backward to take such a route."

"We'd better just build ground base stations honestly."

After listening to Zhang Xingyang's explanation, Chen Bangru jumped out to explain impatiently.

Faced with this guy spreading rumors again and again, Zhang Xingyang couldn't bear it anymore, and said:

"I don't know where you got the idea that our technology is backward. Is there any evidence?"

"Or is this just something you made up yourself?"

Who knows, Chen Bangru seemed to hear some joke at this time, and looked at Zhang Xingyang with incredible eyes:

"Western technology is more advanced than ours, do we still need evidence?"

After Zhang Xingyang heard this, he was a little stunned at first, but he realized it after a while.

This time is not comparable to later generations. In the hearts of many people, things from their own country are bad, and things from other people are good.

This point is almost engraved in their hearts.

I can't use the thinking of later generations to look at the thoughts of everyone in this era.

After all, in this era, excellent domestic products must be labeled with a foreign brand in order to be able to sell at a high price.

"It seems that you really don't understand."

"Then let me talk about technology."

Finding that everyone at this time did not know much about domestic technology, Zhang Xingyang took advantage of the opportunity and began to talk about the current strong position in China in aerospace and communication satellites.

This was originally one of his original intentions on this show, but now it is just right to say it.

"The first is the launch vehicle for the satellite."

"At present, our domestic high-thrust launch vehicle is in the leading position in the world in terms of technology."

"Not only is the thrust much higher than rockets of the same level in the world, but our rockets have already been reused."

"Just in the past three years, more than 100 rocket recovery operations have been achieved."

"Savings in excess of billions."

"This technology is more cost-effective and safer than Eagle Sauce's space shuttle technology!"

"At present, no country or commercial launch company can surpass us in terms of the cost performance of satellite launches."

"Mr. Chen, do you think our rocket technology is still backward?"

After Zhang Xingyang finished speaking, he asked Chen Bangru.

At this time, Chen Bangru also realized that what he faced today was not the ordinary people he had fooled before.

It's an expert who really has a deep understanding of this area, and may even be involved in these works.

"The cost-effectiveness can be regarded as high-tech, but the domestic labor cost is relatively low."

"A senior worker at Yingjiang's family has an annual income of 100,000 U.S. dollars, more than 800,000 domestic currency."

"How much is a worker in China?"

Chen Bangru continued to quibble, and led the conversation to the aspect of "the domestic cost performance is high, but it is because of the low cost of workers that squeezes them".

Hearing this, Zhang Xingyang was almost so angry that he wanted to laugh out loud.

At this time, the monthly salary of domestic aerospace system workers can basically reach about 1500 yuan.

This is just the basic salary, not counting other various subsidies and benefits.

You know, the monthly salary of ordinary workers these days is only seven or eight hundred yuan.

As for the high-level workers in Yingjiang mentioned by the other party, one hundred thousand dollars a year is definitely very rare.

The average worker's annual income will not exceed $30,000.

But Eagle Sauce is already a developed country, and its price level and cost of living are very high.

What's more, the other party didn't say the most important thing.

That is to pay taxes!

In Eagle Sauce, there are two things that everyone cannot avoid.

One is death, and the other is paying taxes.

No matter what your job is, even all kinds of shady black income, you need to pay taxes.

Otherwise armed agents from the IRS will tell you how much tax you should pay with an AR rifle!

Based on the annual income of 30,000 US dollars, after paying taxes, there is only about 21,000 US dollars left.

Although it seems that there are more than 100,000 in domestic currency, he lives in Yingjiang and does not live in China.

He also has no way to earn dollars in Eagle Sauce during the day and spend them back home at night.

Therefore, regarding the salary item, it can be said that the other party is secretly changing the concept.

After Zhang Xingyang seriously explained the above concept to the other party, Chen Bangru was obviously a little out of breath.

The face that was originally fair was also smudged with a layer of red at this time, and the faint bulge of blue veins could be seen on the forehead.

However, his endurance was indeed beyond Zhang Xingyang's imagination.

In the face of such a situation, it can still maintain a state of not breaking out.

"Next, let's talk about our communication satellites."

After Zhang Xingyang refuted the other party, he then talked about the differences in technical routes between China and Iridium.

"First of all, we must correct one point. The domestic communication satellite system and the Iridium Global Communication System of Iridium are actually two different technical routes."

"Iridium uses high-orbit satellites to achieve global communications through sixty-six satellites deployed at an altitude of 780KM."

"Although such a route requires fewer satellites, the number of users that can be accommodated at the same time is limited."

"It does not meet our domestic user situation."

"Moreover, high-orbit satellites are much higher in terms of maintenance difficulty and cost."

After talking for a long time, Zhang Xingyang's mouth was a little dry. He took a bottle of mineral water handed over by the host, took a sip, thanked him, and continued:

"Our satellite system uses another method, which is to use a large number of low-cost, low-maintenance satellites to maintain the entire communication system."

"In this way, first of all, it can ensure that a considerable number of users can be connected at the same time."

"Meeting the communication needs of our country of more than a billion people."

"Secondly, this also ensures that the entire system can be continuously updated at any time to ensure that it does not lag behind in technology."

"Currently, a single communication satellite of ours can maintain the simultaneous access of millions of users."

"After the second phase of the project is completed, it can theoretically maintain simultaneous access of four billion users at the same time."

"Basically, all future needs can be met."

"And because of the huge production quantity and the use of assembly line production, the cost of each satellite is actually not very high."

After taking another sip of water, Zhang Xingyang talked about the last argument raised by the other party.

That's why foreign companies are not allowed to build domestic communication systems.

"Mr. Chen once said that we should hand over the communication system to companies from other countries to build it."

"I should, remember right?"

Chen Bangru is sitting on the sofa now, as if sitting on a needle board, feeling uncomfortable all over his body.

But Zhang Xingyang asked him a question, and he had to answer it.

After all, these are the words I once said on the show, and it is too late to regret it now.

"I did."

"However, there is no problem with what I said. After all, they have entered this field decades earlier than us, and their familiarity with all aspects is far beyond ours."

"Let them build and have a more mature communication system."

"Isn't it good?"

Zhang Xingyang did not let him continue to promote his set of wrong ideas.

"Mr. Chen, you are wrong to say that."

"Will those who enter must be mature?"

"There is a word called latecomer advantage, I think you should be able to understand it."

"Also, is their construction plan necessarily suitable for us?"

"Have they ever done such a large-capacity communication system?"

"Do you think the communication system for one million people can be the same as the communication system for one billion people?"

Although Zhang Xingyang said rhetorical questions, anyone with a discerning eye could hear what he meant.

That is, those companies that seem to be doing well abroad do not know much about the domestic market, and it is not known whether they will not be acclimatized.

And they have never done such a huge system that needs to cover almost one billion people. If they are blindly let in, they may encounter endless calls that cannot be dialed.

"And the communication system is an important infrastructure of a country, blindly letting foreign companies do it."

"Possible data leakage, phone hacking, have you thought about it?!"

At the end, Zhang Xingyang almost pointed at Chen Bangru's nose and cursed.

Scold this bastard who turned around after receiving money and secretly poked and slandered his motherland.

At this time, Chen Bangru's face did not return to its original calmness, and the face that looked slightly gentle before became ferocious in an instant.

Standing up, he wanted to rush to Zhang Xingyang and grab Zhang Xingyang's neck.

However, the national security personnel ambushing on both sides of the studio are obviously much better than this weak guy.

Before he could touch Zhang Xingyang, he had already rushed to the stage and pushed him down on the stage.

"Mu Feng, thank you for your hard work."

When Zhang Xingyang saw the person rushing to the stage, he was not startled like the host beside him, but greeted him with a smile.

At this time, Mu Feng also successfully put on a pair of shiny silver bracelets for Chen Bangru.

Standing up, I greeted Zhang Xingyang first, and then said to the host who had just come over:

"Sorry to scare you."

Then he took out a work permit from his coat pocket, showed it to the other party, and said:

"This is my work permit."

"We've been watching him for a long time."

Chen Bangru, who was lying on the ground, hadn't reacted until this time, and kept yelling in his mouth:

"Who are you?!"

"let me go!"

"let me go!"

Mu Feng didn't have a good face towards him, and kicked him directly:

"Be honest!"

"How long will it last?"

Until now, Chen Bangru didn't know that he was arrested by people from Guoan, so he kept saying:

"Are you asking for money?"

"I have money!"

"I have lots of money!"

"It's all dollars!"

After Mu Feng heard it, he smiled instead:

"You mean your $250,000?"

"Do you think you can still get it?!"

At this moment, Chen Bangru finally realized the identity of the man standing beside him.

Zhang Xingyang glanced at Chen Bangru who was lying on the ground with eyes like looking at garbage.

He looked up to the host and said:

"Since the person has been arrested, let's end today's show!"

"Thank you for your hard work today!"

Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass! ! !

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