A big country of aerospace with black technology

Chapter 107 Having a sword and not using it, and not having a sword to use are two different things!

Although the total nitrogen explosive experiment avoided all kinds of eyes in the sky, it was mainly Yingjiang's reconnaissance satellite.

However, it is difficult to conceal the various detections on the ground.

In particular, Yingjiang, which has high-precision seismic monitoring stations in almost all parts of the world, easily obtained the seismic wave data of the kiloton-level TNT explosion equivalent that occurred in the northwest of Longguo.

Fortunately, the old chief also made arrangements in this regard in advance. Immediately after the explosion, the seismic station released a news of a slight earthquake on the Gobi Desert.

Although the seismic waveforms of the earthquake and the ground explosion are different, since Longguo gave a reason that can be fooled, no one will pursue it too much.

After all, no matter what, Long Kingdom is also a five-permanent country with various types of mushroom eggs!

Naturally, in these respects, there are some privileges!

However, external probing is easy to deal with.

But some internal voices are difficult to deal with, this is a collision of ideas!

"Brother Xingyang, is what we developed before really a rocket propellant?"

Just when Zhang Xingyang had just returned to the Rocket Research Institute from the Northwest Test Ground, Su Xiao, who had jointly developed nitrogen explosives with Zhang Xingyang not long ago, came to the door.

"Of course, what's wrong?"

What Zhang Xingyang said is not wrong. After a certain treatment, the total nitrogen anion salt can be used as a high-efficiency rocket propellant.

As a solid fuel propellant, its efficiency is much higher than the current most efficient hydrogen-oxygen machine!

So when Zhang Xingyang said this, he was really not perfunctory to Su Xiao, but was explaining the facts, although it was only part of the facts.

"Brother Xingyang, I read the experimental records you left before. If it is really used as a rocket propellant, then why did you conduct a comparative experiment with TNT?"

Su Xiao frowned beautifully, and asked in a very incomprehensible way.

"Why not conduct a comparative experiment with the unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine we used before?"

"But TNT that exists as explosives?"

"And you have also done various data tests on detonation velocity, detonation pressure, force, enthalpy of formation, and gas production. These are not the tests required for propellants, right?"

Hearing Su Xiao's almost questioning tone, Zhang Xingyang fell into silence, and said after a while:

"These are confidential contents, you have no right to know!"

As Su Xiao is currently the person in charge of materials in the research institute, it is very difficult for Zhang Xingyang to hide these tests from her.

But before, Zhang Xingyang never thought that this quiet-looking girl would pay attention to these things.

"Brother Xingyang, what we are making is not propellant, but explosives, right?" Su Xiao asked Zhang Xingyang very incomprehensibly.

Zhang Xingyang is still in silence, this kind of thing can't give her a clear answer anyway.

"Didn't you say that our future is a sea of ​​stars?"

"Why can't space development be carried out properly, and such weapons of mass destruction must be developed?"

Seeing that Zhang Xingyang did not answer his own question, Su Xiao began to persuade Zhang Xingyang from another angle.

Returning to the starry sky has always been Zhang Xingyang's wish since he came to this world. He once told Su Xiao about it, but she never thought that she would keep it in mind.

"Because if we don't resolve the disputes on the ground, it will be difficult for us to truly enter the space age!"

Zhang Xingyang slightly responded to Xingchenhai's question.

In the era of star list countries competing for hegemony, if you don't really compete for a winner, it will be difficult to lead the entire civilization into the space star sea era!

And Zhang Xingyang's identity has already determined his position, and he must stand on Long Guo's side!

"We can resolve the dispute through peaceful negotiations."

Su Xiao said naively.

Zhang Xingyang felt a little helpless when he heard such remarks. He didn't know how Su Xiao came up with such a childlike idea.

But it is obvious that she has not seen through most of the extreme disputes in this world, and most of them will be resolved through war in the end!

"A weapon of criticism is not as good as a weapon of criticism."

"If you seek peace through struggle, then peace will survive; if you seek peace through compromise, then peace will perish!"

"Su Xiao, think about these principles carefully!"

Zhang Xingyang looked at Su Xiao's eyes full of confusion very seriously, and said.

Zhang Xingyang, who has always shown others with a calm and calm image, showed his domineering side in front of Su Xiao for the first time.

It made Su Xiao feel that he didn't know the man in front of him.

"Brother Xingyang, are we going to follow the old path of Yingjiang fighting for hegemony?" Su Xiao lowered his head with some unacceptable, and asked very puzzled.

Although Dragon Kingdom is currently on the road to rise, everyone has not yet made a conclusion about what road to take in the future.

There are not a few peaceful rise advocates like Su Xiao.

It's not that they can't see the various crises in the world, it's just that they believe in these things more, and everyone can sit down and talk about them.

"You're thinking wrong again. On the road of our development, we will definitely encounter many obstacles and hardships."

Zhang Xingyang patiently explained to Su Xiao.

After all, speaking of this problem, it is actually a conceptual problem, and it will be over if it is corrected!

"At this time, we must have a strong enough backing and a sharp long sword!"

"Help us resolve the thorns and obstacles along the way!"

Facing Su Xiao, who seemed to have understood something, was ignorant.

Zhang Xingyang increased his output.

"In this world, the most direct and crucial aspect of competition among major powers is the competition of their respective military strengths."

"If one day war comes, I hope my country will stop worrying about firepower and stop using sacrifices for victory!"

"Our ancestors have gone through many hardships, and we are what we are now."

"Only by our development on the road of scientific research can we have the security of our descendants!"

It's not that Su Xiao doesn't understand these truths, but she is a very kind girl. After learning that the material development she participated in will be used as a murder weapon, she finds it difficult to accept it for a while.

On impulse, he chose to break into Zhang Xingyang's office and question him.

"Brother Xingyang, I understand."

"Sorry, I was too impulsive."

Su Xiao stood in front of Zhang Xingyang, bowed a little embarrassedly, and apologized to Zhang Xingyang.

"I'm sorry, Brother Xingyang."

Zhang Xingyang was not particularly angry, after all, a person's views are largely influenced by the environment.

He can understand people nowadays, who are optimistic about peace and think that war is still far away.

However, Zhang Xingyang, who has a future perspective, understands that in fact war is inevitable, as if it is impossible for this world to be free from various conflicts.

"Having a sword and not using it, and having no sword to use are two different things!"

"We need the Dragon Kingdom's own sword!"

"Even if I bear some infamy for this, I will not hesitate!"

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